BSX: Financial Literacy, New Investor Education

October 6, 2022

The Bermuda Stock Exchange [BSX] today participated in the “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy 2022” ceremony at its new headquarters facility at Exchange House, and also announced that it is launching a new initiative to increase investor resilience and to encourage sustainable finance with listed companies and trading members.

A spokesperson said, “”The Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy initiative supports the International Organization of Securities Commissions [IOSCO] World Investor Week [WIW] taking place from October 3-9, 2022. The IOSCO WIW is a week-long global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of investor education and protection. The key messages of the IOSCO WIW campaign in 2022 are based around two themes: investor resilience and sustainable finance.”

Ring the Bell at the BSX Bermuda October 6, 2022

“BSX is pleased to once again participate in the IOSCO WIW with our goal this year to enhance the interaction and communication between listed issuers, trading members, shareholders and the Exchange,” said Greg Wojciechowski, CEO of BSX. “Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] policies are important factors increasing shareholder value and as part of our efforts to promote financial sustainability, we are working with our members and listed companies to promote the greater use of electronic communications with shareholders.

“ESG initiatives are a critical area of focus for the global financial community, and we are pleased to support the IOSCO 2022 WIW campaign to help promote investor education around the world,” said Thomas P. Gallagher, Chairman of BSX, and Chairman and CEO of MIAX. “One of MIAX’s key ESG pillars is to promote greater financial literacy, and we firmly believe that investing in our local communities to provide education and responsible trading resources will help investors plan for their future financial well-being.”

The spokesperson said, “BSX is encouraging investors to ensure their contact details are up to date on shareholder registers of companies for which they hold shares and to check with their broker and/or investment advisor to ensure they are receiving timely investor information.

“BSX is encouraging shareholders to ‘go green’ and support companies and BSX in their efforts to promote sustainable finance in Bermuda by signing up for electronic distribution of communications and investor materials to reduce impact on the environment as well as reduce costs.

“BSX is also adopting more environment friendly practices with its listed issuers, sponsors and trading members in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint by accepting electronic copies of listing documentation and annual reports for filing and dissemination.

“Additional details and information on the IOSCO WIW campaign of 2022 is available at the WIW website. Information on WFE Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy 2022 is available here.

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