Hashtag: #2018CabinetShuffle

Changes To Permanent Secretary Assignments
Wayne Carey, who served as the Permanent Secretary for the previously named Ministry of Social Development and Sports, has retired from Government service, the Government confirmed. A spokesperson said, “As a result of the recent Government re-organisation, the Head of the Public Service Dr. Derrick Binns, advised of a changes to the Permanent... Read more of this article

Column: Ministers Without Portfolio, Cabinet Office
[Opinion column written by Michael Dunkley] When announcing the recent Cabinet changes the Premier lauded the fact that he had consolidated ministries from 11 to 10. He made no mention that with his second cabinet shuffle in 16 months the size of Cabinet has actually grown. With the growth of Cabinet there are now two Ministers, one titled a “Minister... Read more of this article

Government Ministerial ‘Organisational Chart’
Following the recent Cabinet Shuffle, the Government released a new ‘Organisational Chart,’ which details exactly what Departments are under each Minister, and that information follows below. David Burt – Premier ICT Policy & Innovation Information and Digital Technologies BBDA Bermuda Economic Development Corporation Internal Audit London... Read more of this article

Column: Second Cabinet Shuffle In 16 Months
[Opinion column written by Michael Dunkley] I am curious and concerned upon learning of the Cabinet shuffle by Premier Burt, the second in 16 months after the election last year. In addition, it must be noted that the Premier was misleading in his comments when he went to great lengths to stress the consolidation of ministries from 11-10. He did not... Read more of this article

Cabinet: Who Is In, Moved & What Changed
Michael Weeks is out of Cabinet, Curtis Dickinson and Zane DeSilva are now in Cabinet, and the Ministries have been realigned with changed responsibilities, with the exception of the Ministry of Public Works, which remains unchanged under Minister David Burch. These changes were announced yesterday by Premier David Burt, who said he is taking “the... Read more of this article

Cannonier: ‘Paying More In Ministerial Salaries’
[Updated] “This is a fundamental shake-up of Cabinet with some very notable changes just 16 months into this Government’s tenure,” OBA Leader Craig Cannonier said, adding that as “he took out Michael Weeks and added Curtis Dickinson and Zane DeSilva, which means he is actually paying more in Ministerial salaries.” Cabinet Shuffle... Read more of this article

Video: Premier Announces Cabinet Shuffle
[Updating] There is a Cabinet Shuffle being announced at Government House this afternoon [Nov 1], and we will update with further information as able, and in the meantime the live video is below. Update 1.13pm: Curtis Dickinson has been sworn in and now Zane DeSilva is being sworn in. Update 1.18pm: The Premier is now announcing changes of Ministerial... Read more of this article