Hashtag: #BLMMarchJune2020

Wallpaper Wednesday: Black Lives Matter
Just over one year after the Black Lives Matter march in Bermuda – which saw thousands of people take to the streets — Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features a Black Lives Matter design in Bermuda’s signature pink and blue. The design below is also available here as a Facebook profile cover image, and you can check... Read more of this article

Black Lives Matter Bermuda Peaceful Art Protest
Masterworks Museum, in a joint effort with ‘Black Lives Matter, Bermuda’ and the ‘Peaceful Art Protest’, are inviting the public to “join us as we come together to mark the anniversary of the Black Lives Matter Bermuda March.” A spokesperson said, “This special exhibition will showcase the artwork created in June 2020, alongside... Read more of this article

Photos & Videos: Murals Unveiled In Hamilton
The City of Hamilton’s mayor, Charles Gosling, together with Bermuda National Gallery director, Peter Lapsley, today officially unveiled two murals created as part of the Peaceful Art Protest in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. “The public artworks mark a collaboration between the Bermuda National Gallery and the City of Hamilton’s... Read more of this article

Highlight Problems, Offer Practical Solutions
The Black Lives Bermuda group has thanked everyone who came out to the march on Sunday, and explained that their vision is to “highlight the systematic problems impacting the Black Bermudian Community, and to offer practical, implementable solutions to disrupt the status quo.” A spokesperson said, “Bermuda, thank you! On Sunday we came... Read more of this article

Premier: “A Powerful Moment For Bermuda”
“Racism in Bermuda isn’t new, and racist attitudes still persist in Bermuda,” Premier David Burt said, adding that “we must maintain the energy to continue to fix injustice.“ Speaking at last night’s [June 8] press briefing, Premier Burt said, “Yesterday was a powerful moment for Bermuda. Thousands took to the streets to show solidarity... Read more of this article

‘Instead Of Boycotting Stores, Uplift And Promote’
“We have decided instead of boycotting stores weekly we will uplift and promote Black businesses for you to support,” the Black Lives Bermuda organisation group said. This statement follows after the Black Lives Matter march yesterday, which saw thousands of people march through the streets of Hamilton. At the end of the march the organisers... Read more of this article

Photo Set III: Black Lives Matter March
An estimated 7,000 people took part in yesterday’s [June 7] Black Lives Matter march, making their way through the streets of Hamilton in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The photos below are taken from the Government media, and you can view our first set of photos here, our second set here, and the live updates and the two-hour live replay... Read more of this article

Video: 7,000 Attend Black Lives Matter March
A large crowd — which the police estimated to be some 7,000 people — took part in yesterday’s [June 7] Black Lives Matter march, making their way through the streets of Hamilton in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Organised by Jasmine Brangman and Dynera Bean, the event saw thousands of people marching chanting terms like ‘Black... Read more of this article

Photo Set II: Black Lives Matter March
A large crowd — which the Police Commissioner estimated to be some 7,000 people — took part in today’s [June 7] Black Lives Matter march, making their way through the streets of Hamilton in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. You can view our first set of photos here and the live updates and the two-hour live replay here. Related... Read more of this article

Photo Set I: Black Lives Matter March
[Updated with more photos] Thousands of people made their way to Hamilton today [June 7] to take part in the Black Lives Matter march, with many people carrying signs with terms including ‘Black Lives Matter”, “I can’t breathe,” and “Racism is a pandemic” as they made their way through the streets of Hamilton. We will have... Read more of this article

2 Hour Video/Updates: Black Lives Matter March
[Updating] A Black Lives Matter march is being held today [Sunday, June 7] in the city of Hamilton, with people currently gathering on Front Street in order to take part in the event. We will be providing live updates, photos and video as able. The police previously said, “It is anticipated that up to 1,000 persons will gather at #1 Car Park on... Read more of this article