Bermuda Represented At Flower Show In Ireland

June 24, 2014

The 11th World Association of Flower Arrangers [WAFA] World Flower Show was held in Dublin, Ireland from June 18 through June 22, 2014, with several Bermudians taking part in the event in a number of capacities, ranging from general competition to category judging.


Nicky Gurret, who recently won a bronze at The Chelsea Flower Show, and her two children, Camille Chin-Gurret and Christian Chin Chin-Gurret, competed in the show, as did Sue Conyers, president of The Bermuda Garden Club.


Bermuda, as one of WAFA’s founding member countries, was featured in the show with an honorary exhibit created by Debbie Burville and Sue Conyers, while Deanne Moss was selected as a judge.”


There were 31 different categories in which to compete during the event. Ms. Gurret competed in the category “52 Degrees North,” entering a relief of the Irish flag on a board 30cm x 90cm, while both her children competed in the junior category titled “Round and Round the Seasons Go,” where they entered a piece of natural art with dried flowers and leaves on a six inch sphere to be hung on a tree; both children left the competition with awards. Sue Conyers entered the imposed class titled “Concept.”

Over the course of the four-day event, 600 leading floral competitors hailing from all 31 member countries took part.


The World Flower Show is held every three years in one of the member countries of the World Association of Flower Arrangers. Previous host countries have included the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and South Africa. The show is slated to be held next in Barbados in 2017.

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  1. blessed says:

    Thank you for representing Bermuda. Well done. Maybe in 2020 Bermuda could host the World Flower Show!

  2. I,ll drink to that!