Visitor’s Handbag Snatched

July 12, 2011

Police yesterday [July 11] responded to a report of a handbag snatch on North Shore, Hamilton Parish. It appears that a man riding a motorcycle approached a couple riding a rental cycle and removed their bag from the bike’s basket before making good his escape.

A Police spokesperson said, “Around 3pm on Monday, police attended a reported handbag snatch on North Shore Road in Hamilton parish near the junction with Wilkinson Avenue. It appears that two visitors were riding a rental cycle along North Shore Road when an unknown man on a motorcycle took a bag from the rental cycle’s basket as he rode past. The visitors were not injured.”

“The suspect’s vehicle was described as a black motorcycle with some yellow and red sections. Inquiries into this incident are underway. Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with any information, particularly any motorists that may have been traveling along North Shore Road in Hamilton parish between Coney Island Road and Wilkinson Avenue around 2:30pm Monday, to contact PC Anthony Bartley on 295-0011.”

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Comments (50)

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  1. TJ says:

    I strongly believe that the owners of the Bike Rentals should invest in different baskets. Instead of using the wire baskets they could use the plastic baskets so that tourist would have someone to put there items and keep then safe from Handbag Snatchers. It may cost a little extra but at least their personal belongings will be secure. This could easily solve this issue that seems to happen too often.

    • Theresa Simpson says:

      I agree.

      • Justice says:

        These a**ho!es [edited] only prey on tourists cuz they know the tourist has to go home. They could target locals, but that means they run the risk of dealing with one or more Bermudians who will want to beat their sorry asses. One dollar needs to be charged on every bike and car license. That money should be earmarked to provide financial assistance to our tourists who have been victimized. ALSO. Those found guilty of a criminal offence against a tourist needs to be placed in jail for at least six months.

    • PEPPER says:

      The rental firms do not give a rats ass …as to the security of the tourist..wire baskets should be banned….the plastic baskets have a lockable top and holds a lot, so why the hell are these wired baskets allowed ? that is why these bag snatchers are ripping our tourist off…

      • Dunno says:

        It all boils down to cost unfortunatly. These companies would rather pay less money for wire baskets than to protect their customers with safer more durable baskets. Afterall they still get that tourists rental money.

  2. joonya says:

    I would agree to having some of my tax $ put towards outfitting our rentals with side-firing Uzis which can easliy be deployed hitting the horn button. That’s what these fools need. They are permanetly damaging our tourism image. IDIOTS

    • Ganja mon says:

      UBP already destroyed Tourism when they raped the market back in the 80′s with high prices to drive the COllege kids away bringing in old rich people. Years later we look back at the peak of Tourism and still cant realize the facts.

      • Tired of nonsense says:

        I didn’t realize that Govts had the ability to set airline, hotel prices, food prices etc. in a free market society such as ours.

        Well then there is a simple solution ot our tourism ills. The PLP can just adjust prices downwards in order to make it more affordable and then bam…we have tourists again.

        You should be a politician.

      • joonya says:

        Ya Ganj, you and your aceboys keep beleiving dat.
        You’re missing the point dude.
        Yet another tourist enjoying themselves on our beatiful island, has their hard earned vacation ruined by some @sshole on a bike taking all their money, credit cards, ID, etc and totally inconveniencing them.
        Now, they have to spend the rest of their vacation rearranging their life, and they’re surely thinking at the same time: “I will never come back here again.” That is the key here. And all you talk about is UBP b*llshit.
        Your attitude is why we are where we are today..

      • Cat says:

        If “Ganja mon” is the best thing the PLP can come up with then maybe not all is lost.

        • Notorious says:

          ganja mon is a moron drug addict don’t be shocked by his dumb response. I’m guessing it was either him or his aceboy bermyshotta who robbed those poor tourists. Two low lives.

      • down wif de ship says:

        I agree with Ganja Mon,

        Its time for us as black Bermudians to accept that we are fine with the PLP keeping us down and selling out our children’s futures, because even if their policies are completely detrimental to us, the bottom line is that it is BETTER TO SUFFER UNDER A BLACK GOVERNMENT THAN TO PROSPER UNDER A WHITE ONE.

        I know it sounds cynical, but we’re lying to ourselves if we don’t admit it. Our pride is more important than the truth and good governance. No matter how bad this country gets, I refuse to go back to the plantation.

        OBA….what a joke.

        • Bottom Line says:

          The PLP would indeed prefer to rule in hell than live quetly in heaven. Many members of the PLP would rather rule in Haiti than live an anonomous private life in Bermuda. The hate is that deep…and that is why the PLP will win the next general election.

        • Kim Smith says:

          OMG… if this down wif de ship’s comments aren’t a joke we should all be very scared.

      • United says:

        Ganja mon The name says it all. All the brain cells, if there were any have been fried.

  3. GPS says:

    I agree with TJ…

    also the Police should be using decoys to catch these petty thieves…I would never understand why the BPS doens’t use the decoy methods?!!?

    • Concerned says:

      @GPS – I agree we need to start using decoys!! I hate to say it but they’re probably too scared to play victim…

      Also, when are people going to learn you can’t leave things in the easily accessible wire baskets on these bikes, especially a hangbag. The companies renting out these bikes should be warning people. I was driving into work the other morning and a woman (I believe she was local) pulled up along side me in the “3rd lane” and stopped due to oncoming traffic. I could have easily snatched her purse from her wire basket and she wouldn’t even have noticed.

  4. Our future says:

    Welcome to Bermuda. “Feeling the Love Yet?” When does it stop? Or does it?

  5. Tired of nonsense says:

    So basically we blame the bike rental place and the BPS while the little sh*t, who is stealing more than a tourist’s purse (i.e. ruining BDA’s reputation), appears to be innocent.

    I just don’t understand anymore obviously.

    • Concerned Bermudian says:

      Nobody is saying the culprit is innocent. They are simply saying that if we have a decent police force who didn’t lay around planking all day and if the bike rental places would put decent baskets on their bikes instead of taking the cheap way out then this would not be an issue. I am sure they will notice a decrease in their rentals once these people find out about it and they will be forced to change them. These criminals need to be held accountable for what they are doing but these tourist also need to look at their license plate. It’s crazy that they always only know what color the bike and person is but they never look at the license plate. DUH Right.

      • Tired of nonsense says:

        Not all people are expecting to get robbed, especially a tourist on vacation, and thus not everyone reacts the same way. A tourist on a bike, which they are more than likely not used to riding, will not automatically think to get the license plate number while they are in the midst of getting jacked. It is amazing that you seem to be placing any fault, even the tiniest of fault, on a person who has spent their hard earned money to visit our shores. That is absolutley crazy and could be one of the reasons why they choose some other destination to spend their dough these days. Always someone else’s fault in this island it appears.

        • Concerned Bermudian says:

          I am not placing any fault on the tourist. Why is it that when I say that the last guy was not placing blame on the police or rental place and now you think I am placing blame on the tourist. All I am saying is that if a tourist is being robbed by someone on a motorcycle they should look at the license plate. It is no way their fault that they get robbed but more details would def help catch the culprit and get their stuff back. Stop twisting my words.

          • Tired of nonsense says:

            Didn’t twist them at all.

            And like I said in the heat of the moment sometimes what you should do doesn’t come to mind, especially when you are not expecting it.

  6. WSC says:

    another 1000 tourists lost. they will tell everyone they know about what happened to them here and it’ll just kill our publicity even more.

    We need experienced professionals who ARE NOT afraid of any of these punks OR pulling their triggers at senseless punks. I might just get a rental for the day, act like a tourist and go around the island until these pathetic humans TRY something, I can only hope they do…

  7. SWEETBLACK says:

    Tired of nonsense i agree with you. Why are we blaming the bike rental company for this,it is not them. It is these theives who are slowly but shorly destroying our tourism. What is this like the 4th or 5th tourist being robbed in the last few weeks. These criminals have a lack of self respect and respect for others and their property. These Criminals,cause that is what they are need to learn some basic human interaction before they come out into society and behave this way. I am going to say this and i am sure others agree with me the training starts at home. If these Criminals get the proper training at home then they would not come out into society and act this way.

    • TJ says:

      I’m not blaming the Rental company but they can try to mitigate the issue. Realistically, there will always be thieves, so why not try to discourage them from stealing and at the same time tourist will feel more secure when the come to the island and rent bikes.

      • Have rented bikes says:

        I’ve rented from our biggest bike rental co. and they were good to advise about locking the bike (double lock) and not to leave items in the basket. All rental cos. need to do better to remind tourists of using common sense and to protect their belongings at all times.

        And I like the idea of an Uzi switch on the horn. :o )

  8. Jussayin says:

    @Tired of Nonsense…..I don’t think anyone is blaming the bike rental place or the BPS, it’s just a suggestion. I think it’s a great suggestion personally.

  9. Warrior Queen says:

    The Po Po are always warning people on a regular basis to be responsible and not leave their valuables where they can easily be taken. But we so-called adults refuse to be more responible and then something like this happens. This happens over the entire world, adults need to be more responsible. Just because you are on vacation on a small island is no reason to be irresponsible and expect people (thugs) not to do what they do best. I do not condone the thugs behaviour but people need to look out for themselves or do they think “Oh it won’t happen to me.” Welcome to the real world, when I go on vacation I secure everything as there are criminals everywhere. That is their job to commit crime so that the Po PO have their job of trying to catch and convict them. A vicious circle indeed.

  10. bermyshotta says:

    Sounds like Notorious did it

    • LOL (original) says:


    • Notorious says:

      Sorry mate I already said you did it. You late trying to copy my styel I’m not a low life black thug who lives with his mama and doesn’t have a job. I won’t be followed around stores or pulled over by the police like you gang banger! Ad “LOL” is the white man who would cross the street when he sees you coming towards him.


      • LOL (original) says:

        For all you now I might already be on his side of the street chillaxing (spelling?)


  11. Question says:


  12. got it says:

    Tourists love their BIG baskets on the back of their bikes..the bigger the better , they’ve got a load of stuff to carry !

    But even if we put a mini bank vault on the back of the cycles what would the thuggies still do .. ?

    They’d still break into their hotel rooms , steal their stuff while they swim on the beaches and jack their stuff while the walk along Rosemont Avenue.

    The crimes committed against visitors comes in many colours and flavours and has been going on for many years …The negative word of mouth has been out there for a long time.
    Let’s face it , we are not as safe as we advertise ourselves to be. And I don’t give a rat’s behind about ‘other countries’ …. they don’t claim to be safe ,serene little utopias to anyone .

  13. Just an idea says:

    Its cheaper to buy wire baskets and spray them silver or black every january after they get beat up,
    I remember in the news a tourist getting a shoulder bag pulled off them on the bike or they use a knife to threaten them.
    Robbing and stealing and shooting the new career for the losers it sure beats getting up for work .this 20/30 generaltion has yet to come of age …prospects for a great future for Bermuda……not!

  14. Original Sin (Original) says:

    Whats a young black man to do? Until Bermuda finds jobs for every one of its young black men and pays them at least $30 an hour – $40 if possible – they will continue to steal on account of the fact that they gotta sur…….survi………..surwi……… They gotta make money to buy stuff. I mean, I need a new S-YOU-WEE!!!

    Racism I tell you.

  15. Triangle Drifter says:

    No,it is not the cycle livery fault, it is not the visitors fault for putting possesions in an open basket and it is not the communitys fault that these individuals were born to irresponsible, illprepared parents.

    It is the courts fault for not handing down sentences to discourage the crimes.

    Perhaps we should have a weekly parade where criminals wear shirts labeled ‘purse snatcher’, ‘home burglar’, ‘child molestor’, ‘payment defaulter’, ‘rapist’, etc.

    Just a thought.

  16. chop the hands off says:

    quit giving these apes chances.


    its time we stop giving mercy to those who never deserved it in the first place

    their are people and their are monsters, monsters must be eradicated in order for the people to live a human life. monsters take the humanity out of life.

    come rob me, i will cut your hands off slowly and leave you crying for your mommy maybe then you cant steal anymore you goddamn pice of worthless trash go back to where you came from you pollutant garbage

  17. chop the hands off says:

    you creatures will be the demise of our island.

    but your too ape-brained to realize that you live on this island and we will all suffer from lack of tourism

    you stupid creatures i hope you all just vanish

  18. chop the hands off says:

    if we are too soft on these monsters they will keep doing what they do best, tormenting decent folks

    we gotta step up the punishments

  19. gimme a break says:

    comes in many colours? i would say 99.99999% of the time its blacks robbing, assaulting, raping, torturing innocent citizens and tourists. dont try to spray paint this story like we are all guilty cuz it aint like that

    look back at every major news story in the last decade. 99.9999% of the violent crimes are committed by them . THAT IS A FACT, STATISTIC. not a stereotype. if you dont like it i dont give a damn, cuz its reality. face it, grow up and say your right.

    • bermyshotta says:

      @ gimme a break – maybe cuz de majority of dis island is black.

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        Yes that is true, but the demographic statistic in no way match the criminal statistics. Why? Parenting? Sense of value? Understanding of what is needed for society to tick? etc.

        I get the feeling that most are tired of the lame excuses. I am. We are also tired of judges letting these animals off on conditional discharges etc.

        The judges are just as guilty of destroying the Islands tourism livelyhood as the criminals.

      • interestingly says:

        Odd ….no-one seems to use that ‘statistic’ when they want to whine about the makeup of the Regiment or Westgate ….

        • LOL (original) says:

          I have but no one ever responds to the comment and later on I see more blaming the system go figure…………………….


          • LOL (original) says:

            However I do not share the sentimate that all crimes here are committed by blacks..
            Just to be clear…


  20. FridayGirl says:

    Rental Bikes have a space under the seat. If you are that concerned about your personal belonging thats where you would have put them. I’m not saying that robbery is right but if you are negligent then expect there to be a consequence because of it. The recession and crime goes on world-wide not just in Bermuda and i’m sure back home where they are from they would never have put there bag in that basket.