Wilson Wins Sandys South Central

September 22, 2011

Constituency #34 Sandys South Central held their candidate selection meeting this evening [Sept.22] at the Allen Temple AME Church in Sandys, and Senator Kim Wilson beat out Makai Dickerson, Marcus Jones and Larry Scott for the spot.

The PLP’s Walter Lister presently holds the seat, and previously confirmed he will not stand for re-election. Mr Lister, who was first elected to Parliament in 1976, won in 2007 with 649 votes, against the UBP’s Sarah Burrows who received 284 votes.

The result of the other candidate selection this evening – Pembroke West Central has not yet been announced.

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Comments (29)

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  1. A good choice. Now lets get on with protecting Bermudian jobs.


  3. Congrats says:

    Congratulations to Sen. Wilson. What happened between MP Butterfield and Sen Burt

  4. Congrats says:

    Bernews, which B won – Butterfield or Burt?

  5. Truth (Original) says:

    I am conflicted. I like Sen. Wilson. I think she is one of the few bright sparks in the PLP. I can’t stand the PLP for what they are hiding (and who they are protecting) regarding the publics finances.

    Congrats to Sen. Wilson. I look forward to your canvassing. Unfortunately your Government has given you a difficult job on the doorsteps of those who can think beyond race.

  6. Congrats says:

    She will win. She’s new blood, articulate, smart and attractive. Good package!

  7. Please says:

    Let’s see how long it takes for her to ruin Somerset. She isn’t interested in serving her community she just wants the additional pay check, see her publicly and she can’t even say hello. SMH I’m 25 yrs old and have never voted because I refuse to abuse that right looks like I won’t be voting again.

    • californian on the rock says:

      Please, become a member of the party and vote, not voting and failure to engage e friends and family who think like you to exercise a very valuable priviledge is like spitting in the face of our ancestors who didn’t have the opportunity to do so. You can make a difference here, attaend your parish counsel meetings, introduce and keep in touch with your representative. You have more power than you think.

    • too bad says:

      If you don’t vote and don’t plan on voting then you are background noise. The abuse of the right is to not exercise it.

    • Onion Soup says:

      I have known Kim Wilson, both personally and professionally, for several years and I know that she has always had the best interests of the people of Bermuda at heart in all her endeavours. How you can say what you have said, when you obviously know nothing about her, speaks volumes. By not voting at all, you ARE abusing that right…you are one of far too many who are successfully allowing the continuing political mess to grow even worse simply because you choose to behave like a petulant child. Everybody who can vote should and must…to not do so is irresponsible and, like Californian said, is disrepectful toward those who went before us and fought to secure our right to be a part of the political process. If you don’t like Kim Wilson, so be it…vote for somebody else. Remember this…if your head is buried in the sand, your butt is in the air and a target for whomever wishes to give it a swift kick.

    • Hudson says:

      Your forefathers fought for your right to vote. In Bermuda, every vote counts. Whether you are OBA, PLP or and independent supporter, vote for the person or party you believe will make the biggest difference in YOUR life. The person YOU believe in. It is a slap in the face of democracy to be so apathetic that you won’t bother to even vote. Sad.

    • Vote for Me says:

      @ Please
      I want to add my voice to those that are encouraging you to vote. I applaud you for taking the time to voice your concerns, which I think are valid. You could have remained silent about your thoughts or simply expressed them in another forum.

      To summarise, voting in Bermuda was at one point restricted to whites; then land owners (there were very few blacks that owned land) and land owners had a chance to vote in each parish where they owned land; then restricted to men only; then restricted to those over 21 years of age; then you had to reregister each year (and many were unable to vote because they did not reregister); then we had voting constituencies where some were very large (i.e. Pembroke) and some were very small (thus votes were not of equal value). We now have 36 constituencies of roughly equal size (boundaries are adjusted every 10 years to allow for any significant movement of people).

      Thus the road to a more equal voting system where we have one man one vote, each vote of equal value has been a long struggle. There were many people involved in the struggle to get us to this point because many people did not want everyone to be able to vote in the democratic process and have a say in who will govern them.

      And now, to your point about Senator Wilson. If you feel she is not approachable or have any other concerns and you are in her area, please join the branch and start to speak out (follow in Makai’s footsteps). One of teh beauties of the branch process is that everyone gets an equal voice. The other option is to speak to her privately since she will not be rude and dismiss you. Please also rememeber that she may not be intentionally avoiding you in public, just got her mind elsewhere on the myriad of things she has to accomplish as Senator, Minister, wife and mother of 2 young children (I think).

      All in all our current right to vote did not come easily – it was a hard and long fought battle. I also applaud you as a young person – I am sure you have lots of influence over your friends. Take the time to get involved and then bring your friends along.

      I do not know who you are but look forward to you entering the political arena one day.

  8. Face the Nation says:

    Predictable .

  9. B, a Lady says:

    Is this the same Kim Wilson who defended a paedophile in 1997? I know we all have to earn a living but this will not sit well with me if, indeed, it is the same Kim Wilson. I know Bermuda politics does not focus on issues or the personal backgrounds of candidates, but it is high time we started to make candidates squirm about their choices. Can someone please advise if this is the same Kim Wilson.

    • Ha says:

      Do not be ridiculous. Lawyers defend their clients. It means in no way that they automatically agree with the crime their client is accused of.

    • Get Real original says:

      Pettingill and Crockwell defends loads of criminals every day and get some of them off that are probably guilty, should they be treated as you would like to treat Ms. Wilson.

  10. red and blue shrew and shrew says:

    Kim you were voted in by the people, get down to work, become more humble and approachable, learn from others around you, seek the advice of others (some may not look or act like you) live what you preach and teach.

    I believe you have a lot of potential, you must seperate yourself from the people who are apart of the status quo.

    dont be a fence sitter, take a stand for change in this country. it starts with you.

    I want to believe again, so make me.

    red and blue shrew and shrew!

  11. big whoop says:

    Kim Congrats,

    But before you celebrate, know that Somerset is one of the most underserved communities in this country. The reason, is because, we surrendered our votes to the PLP (Listers) without making them earn it, so they took us for granted.

    If you see Somerset is like a ghost town, we have so many young men, up here on drugs and living the gang life, but no one talks about it.

    People are living like hostages in their homes.

    Come out of your ivory tower, and work. Yes, you have this very posh, life with Kent and the Kids nestled so wonderfully in Private schools. Your Husband has a very successful business (great guy too) but that is not the reality of people up here, we are struggling. Do you get that?? Do you??? it is hard here for us, and you come accross disconnected. you were the best choice last night out of a very bad bunch so do not think you have arrived.

    You got our vote now earn our trust and respect, most people after they get in forget about us, well dont. I have children in our public school, I have to pay rent, i dont have a boat, or a golden parachute if things go rotten in Bermuda, this is all i got. So, listen, learn, and be humble enough to be among the people you represent. I watch you KIM, know that you must feel our pain to get us. I see you drive in and around Somerset and you are so disconnected, you are always running or rushing somehere, or on the phone, slow down, and connect.

    please we need a connect politician.

    connect with us.

    • Lets work Together says:

      Hold up…. A very bad bunch??? That’s the type of uninformed negativity that is destroying this island. Makai Dickerson was a part of that “bunch” Are you saying he was a viable alternative? That young man works hard for community and at a young age has severed on a number of Government boards and volunteers for youth programs the help at risk youth often. He go’s to bat for young people daily and truly has the best interest at heart. He could have fallen to negative influence and been like some his age and disrupt the community but instead he works to build it. I see him as the future in sandys. You may not agree with his opinion all the time but I’m sure that’s because you sit on the other side.

      I’m happy with Sen. Wilson’s win but just have to give credit where its due Makai was a good choice to consider.

  12. Winnie says:

    Great choice, best of luck to Sen. Wilson one of the few that actually deserve their salary.

    • PEPPER says:

      I agree with Winnie , Kim is the best politician in bda.

      • Hudson says:

        I agree with Winnie – she is deserving of her salary in that she earns it. She works hard, whether you like her policies and proposals or not (I disagree with her on several things) and is definately making a difference. That said, I do not agree that she is “the best politician in Bda” – she is merely one of the better ones, and I am glad that she won so that she may continue to serve in the best interest of ALL of us.

  13. Onion Soup says:

    B, every defendant is entitled to representation in court by a defence attorney, so her having possibly defended a paedophile in court fourteen years ago is irrelevant to her suitability as a candidate. Indeed, there are several political figures who are attorneys that have represented not so savoury characters during their careers. That does not mean that they condone their clients’ behaviours…they are providing what the laws of the land require. Also, many attorneys, especially those just starting their careers, often have no choice as to what cases they take on. In any event, the Kim Wilson who did defend the paedophile did not win the case…the defendant was found guilty, sentenced to prison and required to undergo psychiatric treatment. Your questioning Kim Wilson’s character in such a way is specious, to say the least.

    • B, a Lady says:

      You did not properly read my post. I questioned her choices, not her character. The world is full of people with good characters who have made poor choices. It still does not sit well with me. But I have the right to hold that opinion. Also, why do we always have to excuse our behavior by saying someone else does it too? When will we, as adults, start leading? Finally, how can you even talk about Ms. Wilson not “winning” the case. There is no “winning” to be had with a serial predator.

  14. wow says:

    You have dedicated your life to service, first in the schools (Whitney) as an advocate now for the people of Bermuda. You are an awesome Mother, wife and a very good community servant.

    Please know, there are people out here that support you and believe in who you are . There always will be people that doubt you. They too, will be believers.

    Read Desderata by Max Ehrmann (1927) it will say it all.

    Stay focused and belive, and we have your back.

    one love!

  15. Useless says:

    People need to split their difference between her persona and looking after sandy’s south central. Wont be getting my vote for sure. She maybe a great mother, and friend, but I dont think she has what it takes to be head of constituency 34. I was hoping someone else more suitbale from the PLP but I guess not. Calibre seems to be lacking these days

  16. Dont bother KIM says:

    ANd i aslo agree with the above, she is not a friendly person at all. She doesnt have to kill the community with kindness, but she acts like she has to avoid saying hello, when someone says hello. Lets see how long she will acknowldge the presence of sandys south central. Better yet living in sandys south and never got a knock at my door by a PLP person. I will send you my address KIMMY! Lets see if you have the balls to knock and make yourslef known…or are you going to try to slip like you almost did with that parking ticket last year.

  17. Rob says:

    She is a gem! Go forth Minister Wilson.