Successful Cleanup Held At Paget Island
The Acting Minister of Social Development and Sports Lovitta Foggo today extended her appreciation to Mirrors’ Cohort 13 and volunteers from the community for participating in a cleanup day at Paget Island on April 7.
The cleanup was a part of the Fort Cunningham Restoration Project, spearheaded by the Mirrors Programme.
The Minister said, “The Mirrors group is to be commended for taking the lead on this initiative to preserve Fort Cunningham. I was pleased to see so many young people at the clean-up, contributing their time and giving back to the community.
“I would like to congratulate the Mirrors Cohort 13 for setting an example for other young people and making a difference in our community by keeping Bermuda beautiful for all to enjoy.”
On Saturday Mirrors, Outward Bound, the Department of Parks and volunteers spent the day on the island focusing on clearing the moat area to the fort, in preparation for the summer activities on the island.
The Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation supported in transporting the group. The Bermuda Regiment is also supporting this project by conducting chainsaw duties on the island later this month.
Governor John Rankin also visited Paget Island on Saturday, where he assisted in the cleanup work on one of the paths leading to Fort Cunningham.
The Governor said, “I offer warm thanks to the Mirrors programme and all of the volunteers for their help in the restoration of Fort Cunningham.
“The Fort has a fascinating history and will make an excellent venue for young people and visitors to Bermuda to learn more about the history of the island. By contributing to the restoration project, the Mirrors programme and all the volunteers are contributing to the future of Bermuda. Well done to everyone involved.”
The restoration project is a collaborative project between Mirrors, Outward Bound, Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation, Department of Parks, the National Museum, Bermuda National Trust, Keep Bermuda Beautiful, The St. George’s Foundation, The Bermuda Regiment and volunteers.
Mirrors said they would also like to thank XL Catlin, Barritts, Dunkley’s Dairy, DJ I Breeze of King Jyrus, Arnolds, Butterfield and Vallis, East End Telecom, Greenrock, and City Café for their contribution to this event.
To get involved with future cleanup projects please contact Jeanene Todd at 294-9291 or
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