Police: Over 100 People At Party, No Masks

March 6, 2021

Police attended the Botanical Gardens last night [March 5] after receiving reports that a large party was taking place, and according to the police “there were in excess of 100 persons at the event” and “no one was wearing masks and there was no social distancing.”

A police spokesperson said, “Shortly before 11:00pm on Friday 5th March, 2021, police attended the Horticultural Hall – Botanical Gardens, Paget, after receiving several anonymous calls reporting that a large party was taking place there.

“Officers arrived at the location and reported there were in excess of 100 persons at the event. No one was wearing masks and there was no social distancing.

“Based on the number of persons at the location and the reported breaches, several police units were dispatched to assist.

“The organiser of the event could not be located among the crowd and no one was willing to assist police with their inquiries. However, the details of several vehicles which began leaving the scene as police arrived, were recorded.

“The public is reminded, under the current Covid regulations, gatherings are limited to a maximum of twenty-five people.

“In order to hold an event or gathering larger than the permitted maximum of 25 persons, an exemption from the Minister of National Security is required. Exemption applications are made online via the following link here.”

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Comments (34)

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  1. Question says:

    If any of them were govt ministers I’m Burt will punish them by awarding them high-paying publicly-funded jobs. Like last time.

  2. Toodle-oo says:

    Two Bermudas .

  3. Observer says:

    Question: I would have thought that the Ministry responsible for the Bontanical Gardens would have known the organizers of the party before hand.

  4. While I do not in anyway condone any behavior that breaks the laws, the PLP themselves only have themselves to blame, until the day comes that they themselves insist the justice dept actually do their job and press charges against the two govt ministers that blatantly broke the laws in a very similar fashion!
    This do as I say not as I do behavior from the elitist’s in ” This Government” needs to stop, as they are only reaping what they sowed!
    Anyone in this incident should sure bring it to any judge they potentially could be put in front of!

  5. Big Brother says:

    People reporting people.
    Multiple police units attend
    Big brother commeth
    Tread oh so carefully Bermuda.
    This is open erosion of personal liberties.

  6. Bobby Jones says:

    Only way this building can be used is if the Dept of Agriculture rented it.
    They have been doing this all along through the past year that we have had Covid restrictions.

    Bda Police need to follow up with the Minister and Minister of Security.

  7. Dark Star says:

    Will the gov’t please figure out how to deal with their own

  8. Boston Whaler Owner says:

    should have booked the lot of them!
    these types have NO respect.

  9. Wing nut says:

    Let’s see if any charges are applied.. or all a bunch of mouth pieces with no action

  10. Ringmaster says:

    People didn’t cooperate? What happened to enforcement of the law or is there no law? Arrest all of them and keep them in jail overnight and get some information. If no law why have any limitations? If there are no consequences, and so far none have been seen from the last large party at a home that resulted in numerous infections, then more people will do what they want to do. Maybe the the public needs to administer common law justice against these people.
    Lots of strong talk from the PLP but clearly just bluff and fluff.

  11. Tom says:

    This is a joke !! They don’t care!!?

  12. Cotton Wool Brigade says:

    Seeing as it’s a Government owned building, I do wonder if there were any GP plates seen and recorded…?

  13. Wahoo says:

    Who got the permission to use the taxpayer’s property for a party? Surely the hall had to be rented right? Everyone there was breaking the law so why no arrests?

  14. Barbara D Cooper says:

    THIS MAKES ME VERY ANGRY ! Because of inconsiderate people like those attending that large gathering, there should be laws implemented to SIGNIFICANTLY punish the offenders (not just a slap on the wrist). Why should the people who abide by the rules be put at risk by those inconsiderate and selfish people who do not respect the seriousness of this viral pandemic ?

  15. color me surprised says:

    just plain stupid self centered ass h^^^s that amongst the hundred aint got a brain cell. Say thanks to our next lockdown. I honestly hope the police PROSECUTE TO FULLEST EXTENT of the law some of the perpetrators. Until an example is made it will continue

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Oh the police can prosecute all they like. What will the courts do?

      • color me surprised says:

        probably nothing un fortunately

  16. Just Me says:

    Where is the video of “this” party??
    Asking for a friend:(

  17. JKTG says:

    Let’s see the video
    They were probably told that there will be absolutely NO recording at “this” party.

  18. Watcher says:

    This type of behavior if left unchecked will mean another spread of the virus and more damage to our economy. Time to take the gloves off. Talk only helps to get your team to get elected.

  19. Baygrapes says:

    For several Saturdays there has been a large (bbq?) gathering at the pool restaurant area on South shore road Warwick, opposite the gas station. Judging by the number of cars, there are more than 25 people each time. I can’t help but wonder if they have a permit.

  20. JKTG says:

    Show the video!!
    Oh wait! The guests already knew that
    there’ll be no recording because the public
    doesn’t need to know about our 100+ guest party

  21. Bright and Early says:

    What a shame that people can be so inconsiderate and have this huge party with over 100 people without masks. This is where the “clusters” happen and someone for sure will contract Covid and pass it on to other people in their group of friends. Hope this doesn’t happen but who knows. Yes the Government is responsible for letting out the building to a group so large. I am sure that anyone needs permission to let out one of the buildings for a special function etc.

  22. Concerned Bermudian says:


  23. Time to act says:

    Someone renting that building or used it without permission. Either way, they need to be charged.

    They, everyone who attended that party, should have thrown them all into a paddy wagon and booked them in for the night, I’m sure they all would have started singing. I can’t read agin that the BPS can’t find the organizers??? Seriously!

    There are people out of jobs, people who can’t pay their bills and can barely feed their choldren. This is so selfish and we as a Communuty need to send a CLEAR message to our government, the courts and the police. EVERYONE needs to follow the rules so that our community can recover. Throw each and everyone of them in jail for just one night – and it won’t happen again!

  24. Sandgrownan says:

    Probably a bunch of expats! You know they are responsible for everything wrong in Bermuda.

  25. puzzled says:

    Friends Family and Flu.

    The three “F” words that will define thesev future and potentially thousands more on the island that was………

  26. charter says:

    Why is everyone acting surprised – they have been doing these parties there for months.

  27. Pequot1638 says:

    It wouldn’t be so bad if all those who blatantly ignore the covid protocols was those who it struck down but we know it doesn’t work like that. The innocent will pay for the ignorance and stupidity of these people.
    I would hope that anyone who is identified as contracting or needing to quarantine as a result of this event receive no financial support from government. Stupidity needs to be rewarded.

  28. In Mark's Opinion says:

    It amazes me how so many people are so blind to what is taking place in the world today. Freedom is being stolen and most people are acting like slaves to the governments of this world. Calling police because someone is having a party and people are breathing the same air.(Divide and Rule is the oldest trick in the book) Why are people afraid of the boogeyman that no one can see that is suppose to jump up your nose, and only governments can see it with a long stick pushed up your nose. This is a worldwide psychological warfare against every human on earth based on deception. I have never seen deception like this before. For the last year we have been experiencing communism and socialism and people beg for more of it. Who would have thought 2019 would be the last year of what we thought was freedom. All the world leaders are possessed by evil, there is no other explanation for this madness they call The New Normal.
    Freedom over Fear.
    The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.
    Why are governments trying to medicate every person on earth.
    This is not peace, this is not love, this is hate.

  29. In Mark's Opinion says:

    The world is gone mad. Police are called because more than 25 people are breathing the same air.

  30. ROGER LAMBERT says:

    I’d imagine anyone renting the government building has to sign & leave a deposit from the Ag & fish office. If nothing found, an inside cover up or the partiers just went there & partied. SAD & BAD for the 100 people Get Together happening at this time.