Premier: ‘Making The Tough Decisions Required’

June 27, 2021

“No amount of unsigned WhatsApp forwards or baseless character attacks will save lives in this country,” Premier David Burt said, adding that “the Government is committed to making the tough decisions required to move this Island beyond the pandemic.”

The Premier said, “There are causes to which we should rally and come together. Two families in Bermuda are mourning young men, taken from them so unexpectedly. This in addition to the families who have lost their lives to Covid-19. Have we become so lost in social media play in Bermuda that we fail to value those lives lost and to make our first priority to comfort the families they leave behind? Our sense of community and our priorities must be re-ordered so that we again capture the love and unity that saw us through the darkest days of 2020.

“No amount of unsigned WhatsApp forwards or baseless character attacks will save lives in this country. We are on the verge of change; either positive change with strong borders aggressively defeating the potential harm that variants bring or the most negative change possible where a variant outbreak occurs and we have seriously ill people whose families could lose their loved ones.

“We see countries around the world forced to re-implement restrictions due to outbreaks of new and dangerous variants. In Bermuda we’ve lived that already this year, with an outbreak of a new variant costing us 21 lives, which robbed our students of in-person learning, and our citizens the opportunity to provide for their families.

“The people of Bermuda know strong border protection is the only way we will reclaim this summer and move beyond the pandemic. They know that strong border protections combined with immunisation is the only way that we will be able to avoid the re-implementation of local restrictions. But this is not unique to us. In Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Canada, governments have adopted risk-based border policies similar to those in Bermuda, so that economies can be renewed and people can begin to live their lives again.

“The Government is committed to making the tough decisions required to move this Island beyond the pandemic. Governing a country during a once in a century pandemic is not easy, but it is necessary that in the face of storms that the Government remains focused on its principle objective, and that is to keep the people of this island we call home safe.”

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You can find more information on the links below and also on our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

Comments (10)

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  1. Dunn juice says:

    Safe key 3.0 0n the way

  2. JAWS says:

    No what you’re doing is looking at the COVID CDC rules from April 2020 Premier. I arrived back today and the airport had no social distance. Everyone was shoulder to shoulder from all the health questions asked and customs was rude as usual when looking in my bags. I was asked 10 question about my job and I nicely explained that I’m on a work permit which was a card in my passport. I polity asked what was the problem and if I could speak to their Immigration Supervisor. They joke and said you haven’t heard King Burt’s getting rid of all the Immigration Officers at the airport.

  3. Premier Burt after reading this article with sincere open mindedness to give you the benefit of the doubt, here you go again putting your foot in your mouth. if your real concern was the people you claim to serve, you would have longed had the decency to sit and have the conversation with us the general public on all the issues that you and your cabinet refuses to address.

    Bermudians are tired of the falsehoods and misleading of misinformation and the dictatorial draconian style of leadership, we find it amazing that you are trying to do your level best to convince Bermudians that you have their best interest at heart when you have shown totally the opposite.

    In 16 months you have destroyed the credibility of all that the P.L.P has stood for and the foundation in which it was formed, The Hon: Leonard Fredrick wade and The Hon: Dame Lois Browne Evans must be turning over in their graves for the way you have single handily divided this country in 16 months, But the time has come to put a stop to this madness.

  4. Pat-rice says:

    You’ve moved beyond the pandemic, but you forgot to take us with you.
    Herein lies a problem, Mr. Premier.

  5. Question says:

    They are not ‘baseless character attacks’. You broke the law, while telling us it was essential we stick rigidly to covid laws. We have seen it in hi-def video.

    Burt is Bermuda’s Matt Hancock. There is no difference. For both of them, there was video evidence of them breaking their own covid laws. Hancock resigned.

  6. Dejavu says:

    Actually it’s quite easy look at New Zealand

  7. Ringmaster says:

    A callous and disjointed ramble from someone who has clearly reached his zenith of the Peter principle. It seems he doesn’t care about the families mourning the 500+ deaths last year?
    The tough decisions are how to get Bermuda’s economy restarted and booming. No word about that, even from the Min of Finance. Thousands of private sector people still out of work, no sign of the renovation of Southampton Princess starting. Things must be getting pretty desperate now to make Government payroll.

  8. Warrior says:

    Bermuda we’ve lived that already this year, with an outbreak of a new variant costing us 21 lives

    Ahhh, hmmmm…what?!? Did anybody know this????

  9. Guy Carri says:

    Quick! Deploy smoke screen!!

  10. BDA Gold says:

    This is disgusting and shameless. Using the loss of these two young men to try and politically spin one issue onto the next. Speak to the matters separately but clearly you won’t because it will highlight the that you don’t have the answers. So it’s time to find someone who does. Like Barack Obama said “ don’t complain, vote”. It’s time for a change.