Video: $25K Cheque Presented To SGCC

July 26, 2022

Premier David Burt, Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport Dr Ernest Peets, St George’s West MP Kim Swan, President of the St. George’s Cricket Club Neil Paynter, and St. George’s Cricket Club member Romeo Ruddock were on hand as a cheque for $25,000 was presented to  St. George’s Cricket Club to help cover their Cup Match costs.

The east end club hosted the event last year, however had lower sponsorship due to the pandemic. Premier Burt said that $10,000 of the funds were from the Cabinet Office with the same amount donated by Hotelco, developers of the St Regis Bermuda, while fintech company Relm Insurance also donated $5,000. divider line 2039852

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    $50,000 for Somerset Cricket Club but only $25,000 for St. George.

    It seems the Premier has already relegated us to second place and that once again if you live east of White Hill your opinion doesn’t matter.

  2. comfortably numb says:

    Why is the government giving either club OUR money? If the clubs are not making a profit from gate receipts, rental fees from food vendors and crown and anchor operators, sky boxes and liquor sales they are even more financially inept than the government itself!

  3. Ringmaster says:

    West End is marginal and fickle, whereas East End are solid PLP.