Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month Marked

March 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

As March is designated Traumatic Brain Injury [TBI] Awareness Month, Evolution Healing Centre is raising awareness about “the impact of TBIs and the crucial role of physiotherapy in Bermuda.”

A spokesperson said, “As March marks Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month, it’s essential to raise awareness about the impact of TBIs and the crucial role of physiotherapy in Bermuda. Traumatic brain injuries can have a profound and lasting impact on individuals and their families, often requiring extensive rehabilitation and support [which can be from family, carers, and others in the community].

“A traumatic brain injury is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. This type of injury can occur as a result of a sudden trauma or blow to the head, leading to temporary or permanent impairment of brain function. In 2016, a global, regional, and national burden of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury study reported 226 incidences and a prevalence of 515 in Bermuda. Also noted by a governmental report that the number of reported road traffic accidents continues to rise yearly.

Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month March 2024

“The impact of a TBI on a person and their family can be devastating, as it may result in physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural changes [which can include changes to personality]. Some of the challenges experienced by survivors of traumatic brain injuries are not always apparent, including fatigue, cognitive impairments, headaches, sleep disturbances, sensitivity to light, memory issues, and speech difficulties. Understanding the causes, effects, and potential treatments for traumatic brain injuries is crucial in providing support and care for those affected by this condition.

“For survivors of TBI in Bermuda, access to rehabilitation is vital for their recovery. Rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury survivors can include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychology, rehabilitation nursing and medical support, depending on the needs. Here is a brief overview of some rehabilitation team members; however, not all information is covered here, and please contact the professionals for more information. Physiotherapists play a crucial role in helping survivors regain physical function, mobility, and independence.

“Speech and language therapy focuses on improving communication skills, cognitive-communication deficits, and swallowing function. Occupational therapy helps individuals relearn daily living skills, such as dressing, feeding, and cognitive retraining to improve independence. Psychological support is also crucial, addressing emotional and behavioural changes and helping individuals and their families adjust to new challenges.

“The rehabilitation team works together to customize treatment plans to address individual needs, effectively addressing the unique challenges faced by TBI survivors. Their goal is to improve quality of life and support a return to meaningful activities.

“Carers of TBI survivors also play a significant role in the recovery process. It’s important for carers to understand the unique needs of TBI survivors and to access support and resources to provide the best possible care. By raising awareness about the challenges faced by both survivors and their carers, we can foster a more supportive and informed community in Bermuda.

“Education and awareness about TBIs are essential in the community. By understanding the impact of brain injuries, community members can offer empathy and support to survivors and their families. Additionally, promoting access to physiotherapy services and other resources can make a meaningful difference in the lives of TBI survivors in Bermuda.

“As we observe Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month, let’s come together to support and advocate for TBI survivors and their carers in Bermuda. By raising awareness, promoting access to essential rehabilitation services, and fostering a more understanding and inclusive community [to assist survivors in their ongoing reintegration into the community], where we can positively impact the lives of those affected by TBIs.”

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