Hashtag: #OBACabinetShuffles

Minister Outerbridge ‘Humbled’ By Appointment
“As the new Minister for Social Development and Sports, I could not be more humbled by the appointment,” Minister Nandi Outerbridge said today, adding that she will do her “utmost to serve the people.” This follows after Premier Michael Dunkley announced changes to Cabinet earlier today, with Wayne Scott stepping down from Cabinet... Read more of this article

Updates: Premier Announces Cabinet Shuffle
[Updated] A “Ministerial swearing in” is expected to take place this afternoon [Feb 23] at Government House, with unofficial reports suggesting a Cabinet shuffle will be announced. We will provide live updates/video, and more information as able. Summary Update: The Premier announced a Cabinet Shuffle with Wayne Scott stepping down from... Read more of this article

Videos: Premier Announces Cabinet Changes
[Updated] The Premier announced changes to Cabinet today, with Wayne Scott stepping down from Cabinet and being replaced by Cole Simons as Education Minister, while Nandi Outerbridge was appointed the new Minister for Social Development & Sport. In addition, Sylvan Richards is the new Environment & Planning Minister, while Leah Scott will be... Read more of this article

PLP: ‘Shocking’ That Premier Increased Cabinet
“At a time when budgets are being reduced” it is “shocking that the Premier has disregarded the SAGE committee’s recommendations, and increased the size of the Cabinet,” Acting Opposition Leader David Burt said today. Mr Burt’s statement follows after Premier Michael Dunkley announced a Cabinet shuffle earlier today,... Read more of this article

New Cabinet Ministers: Simons, Baron, Richards
[Updated with video] A ceremony is taking place his afternoon [May 13] at Government House with changes to Cabinet being announced, with Jeff Baron being sworn in as Minister of National Security, Sylvan Richards as Minister of Social Development & Sport and Cole Simons being named the Minister of the Environment. In addition, the Premier announced... Read more of this article

Opinion: Jonathan Starling On Cabinet Shuffle
[Opinion column written by Jonathan Starling] “Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” – Karl Marx, The Eighteenths Brumaire of Louis Napoleon. So reads one of Marx’s most famous quotes. And it is a quote that... Read more of this article

PLP: Cannonier Appointment Is “Poor Judgment”
[Updated with OBA response] “Craig Cannonier’s appointment to the Ministry of Works & Engineering represents extremely poor judgment by Premier Dunkley and an endorsement of the dubious conduct that led to Cannonier’s disgraceful exit from the office of Premier,” the PLP said today. This follows after today’s [Jan... Read more of this article

Video: Cabinet Shuffle: Cannonier, Scott, Pamplin
[Updated with video + statements] At a ceremony this afternoon [Jan 15] at Government House, Wayne Scott was sworn-in as the new Minister of Education; Patricia Gordon Pamplin was moved to the Ministry of Community, Culture and Sports; while former Premier Craig Cannonier will assume the role of Minister of Public Works. In December 2013, Mr. Cannonier... Read more of this article

PLP Respond To Premier’s Cabinet Changes
The PLP said they are pleased to see that the Premier has seen fit to reduce his Cabinet, however “find it puzzling” that neither the Tourism Minister nor the Attorney General Mark Pettingill were removed from Cabinet. The Premier announced this morning that he reduced his Cabinet from 13 to 10, with Nalton Brangman [Education], Sylvan Richards... Read more of this article

Premier Reduces Cabinet, 3 Ministers Eliminated
[Updated with video/info] Premier Craig Cannonier is holding a press conference this morning [Dec 11], and while the topic was not officially released, it is widely speculated that the Premier may be announcing changes to his Cabinet. The recent SAGE Commission report suggested cutting back Cabinet from 12 to 8 Ministers, and while everything remains... Read more of this article

Speculation Swirls: Possible Cabinet Shuffle
Speculation about a possible political shuffle is swirling, with various talk circulating that Premier Craig Cannonier may be planning to make some changes within Cabinet. After winning at the polls on 17th December 2012, Premier Cannonier appointed twelve Cabinet Ministers who were sworn in by Governor George Fergusson on 20th December 2012. All the... Read more of this article

Photos/Videos: New Cabinet Ministers Sworn In
[Updated with videos] Premier Craig Cannonier appointed twelve new Cabinet Ministers who were all sworn in by Governor George Fergusson earlier today [Dec 20]. Some portfolios were shuffled from the positions held in the previous administration, with tourism teamed with transport, while economic development and home affairs are stand-alone ministries. Two... Read more of this article