Column: “What Does DMBHA Mean To Me?”

August 23, 2016

[Written by Veronica Baptista]

As the school nurse for students who have severe to profound, multiple, exceptionalities, Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy [DMBHA] means a lot of different things to me. First of all, it is an institution where children come to learn. Learning may not look exactly as it does in typical classroom settings.

However, every student works on a unique set of goals, tailor-fitted to match, and challenge, current skill sets. At DMBHA, we passionately believe that everyone is capable of learning. Every day, our students prove that this theory is true.

Not only is DMBHA a place of learning, but it is also a place where a multidisciplinary team of professionals work together, with the aim to help each student achieve their maximum potential.

In addition to teachers, pars-educators and a principal, we have an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a speech and language pathologist, a social worker, a school nurse and two adaptive physical education teachers [one who works with classroom groups and the other who works with students on an individual or small group basis].

Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy Bermuda August 2016

Students at DMBHA may also receive regular support from a vision teacher, a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing, and any other professional deemed appropriate for a student.

As a school, we attempt to be a resource for families. We know that sometimes, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

No parent should ever feel unsupported, or that they are alone in raising their child, particularly when faced with multiple complexities. A range of educational and healthcare professionals are available to provide expert advice and to assist with putting appropriate resources in place.

On a personal note, DMBHA is a place where I see the face of God everyday through the faces of the students. Each student has his/her own, full-of-life, personality. Despite the challenges that these students undergo, they still work hard and they still smile effortlessly.

DMBHA students have a lot to teach each of us about what is truly important in life and about the grace that we should have when facing adversity.

So — “What does DMBHA mean to me?” For me, it is a haven. It is a place where I feel privileged to work. I am honoured to be part of a team of professionals who seek to make a difference. Most of all, however, I am honoured to be able to service the students of DMBHA and their families.

- Veronica Baptista


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  1. Paradise reclaimed says:

    Good on you Veronica! I found a visit there several years ago an extremely moving experience, and I was just stopping in to make a quick equipment repair. DMBHA is among the finest of Bermuda’s best things so few are aware. Keep up the great work!

    • Gaynell Hayward-Caesar says:

      Veronica on behalf on the Ministry of Health and Department of Health we was to thank you for your passion and dedication to this dynamic population and the associated multidisciplinary teams! Your presence at DMBHA promotes an individualized plan for each student regardless of their physical or cognitive limitations. You are indeed appreciated and admired for enhancing the quality of care for the students to enhance their safety in their learning environment.GHC

  2. Mandy says:

    A great nurse at a great school. Keep up the great work Team DMBHA!!!