Bermuda Health Council Partners For More Data

June 4, 2019

In addition to releasing new data tables and data briefs on their website, the Bermuda Health Council is continuing to partner with community advocate, the Family Centre, to “capture new data around the social determinants of adverse childhood experiences and adult life,” the Council said.

:Social determinants are often the “missing piece” in research that allows for a better understanding of a person’s life by taking into account circumstances of their birth, growth, life, work, and age,” a spokesperson said.

“In March, the Health Council and Family Centre released a nation-wide questionnaire based on the World Health Organization’s Adverse Childhood Experience [ACE] questionnaire.

“The ACE questionnaire is still available on the Family Centre’s website in both Portuguese and English and will continue to be an important tool used to understand the experiences of Bermuda that impact health. At this time over 500 responses have been received and demonstrate the impact of ACEs on individuals and our community at large.

“In addition to the data collected from this questionnaire, the Council has conducted a health economics based analysis of the impact of conditions associated with child neglect, family dysfunction, and exposure to trauma.

“This report will be released in conjunction with the results of the ACE questionnaire, set to be previewed at the 2nd Annual ACEs Conference. The Conference is a two-day event across 13th and 14th of June, hosted by the Family Centre along with the IAC, and will focus on the unique traumas experienced in Bermuda as well as the economic impact of ACEs.”

Tara Hines, Project Associate in Data Analytics and Research Outcomes at the Health Council, said: “Partnering with community organizations, like the Family Centre, has enabled the Health Council to be able to put health economics into the context of trauma and other social determinants.

“The ACEs conference will be an informative forum to discuss the impact of ACEs on the healthcare system, from individual and community perspectives. The research we are conducting is the direct result of community engagement, is validated by international sources, and reflects the importance of continuing to grow our evidence base in country.”

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