Vision 2020: Bermuda Climate Action Network

December 5, 2019

A group called the Bermuda Climate Action Network [Bermuda CAN] said they will working to address environmental concerns on the island, with their first initiative aiming to plant 2,020 trees in 2020.

A spokesperson said, “The United Nations’ COP25 opened in Spain. This two-week conference involving global leaders addressing practical solutions for the Climate Crisis.

“Over the last couple of months, an emerging network of diverse individuals and various organizations have been meeting to address this global emergency on the local level. The Bermuda Climate Action Network is focused on fostering collaboration in order to address this grave challenge, amongst all sectors of our society.

Bermuda CAN Dec 4 2019

“The goal of Bermuda CAN is to facilitate – in light of the mounting scientific evidence – the coming together of our island community, in a concerted effort, to:

  • Identify and mitigate climate risks specific to Bermuda.
  • Advance a deeper appreciation of our responsibility as global citizens in keeping average temperature rises below 1.5 C.

“The guiding principles of Bermuda CAN include inclusion, diversity, collaborative actions and sustainability grounded in environmental justice. Therefore, this network is non-partisan, promoting the widest possible participation, in the face of this unprecedented challenge. Recent climate catastrophes – such as Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, as well as deadly forest fires in Brazil, Australia, and California – point to the need for urgent action.

“To that end, we are in the process of planning initiatives to promote awareness and foster wide community involvement in solutions.

“Our first project, entitled Vision 2020, will be inviting community members to be involved in the planting of 2,020 young native, endemic and fruit trees by the end of 2020. This family-friendly initiative is geared to expand awareness of the crisis and offer a practical means for participating in solutions.

“Details of this and other ways for the involvement of residents will be soon forthcoming.”

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  1. Community First says:

    Wonderful news and such a smart initiative to quantify an action of planting trees that will benefit all of Bermuda. Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. sustainable says:

    Great initiative and very timely. With stronger hurricanes and rising sea levels, small islands will feel the effects of climate change before other countries.

    Coral reefs, sea grass beds and mangroves (all found in Bermuda) play an integral role in mitigating the effects of climate change.

    All the best to your organisation, I look forward to hearing more about your initiatives.

  3. imjustsaying says:

    Plant al those trees and then kill them by eliminating c02.

  4. UpRyZaH says:

    To all the Al Gore/Greta propaganda puppets, when you are really serious about Climate ‘Change’ then you should be addressing Climate ‘CONTROL’ because THAT is reality.
    “He who controls the weather will control the world”. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.
    This is not just about CO2 and carbon footprints, this is Weather Warfare!
    For a start, investigate Governments and their militarys around the world, geoengineering, weather modification, bunker fuels, chemtrails, jet fuel ingredients, ionospheric heaters, space mirrors, and all the rockets penetrating earth’s protective layers.
    You will find how these ‘natural disasters’ are not so ‘natural’ after all, including Dorian and the ‘Wild’ Fires.
    You will find the truth about the real evils threatening everyone on this planet on a daily basis.
    Planting trees is great but just a publicity stunt.
    What will you do when you know the truth?
    WAKE UP and WISE UP!