Live Videos & Updates: Car Rally Takes Place

May 2, 2021

[Updating] A car rally — which is being called the ‘Bermuda Freedom Car/Bike Rally — has been scheduled for today [May 2] with people asked to gather on Front Street, and according to posts circulating on messaging apps and social media, the car rally route is scheduled to leave Hamilton at 12 noon and travel throughout much of the island ranging from Somerset to St George’s.

Update | 45 minute live replay of the start in Hamilton

Update | 3 minutes of them on Palmetto Road

Update | Aerial view of them leaving Hamilton

The police previously said they were aware of a post circulating inviting people to attend a car rally to “to protest government’s Covid vaccine initiative,” and said that they will attend to “ensure a smooth flow of traffic, that all safety guidelines are being observed and there are no breaches of any laws or regulations.”

Covering what is scheduled to be an island wide car rally presents logistical challenges, however we will provide some updates as able, below and at some point we will add a live video stream.

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You can find more information on the links below and also on our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

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Comments (48)

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  1. Sandgrownan says:

    A vortex of stupidity.

    • Unbelievable says:

      And there is no getting out of it. It’s all just so stupid, uninformed and dangerous.

      • Ringmaster says:

        Just let the vaccinated go about their normal business, which includes opening restaurants, hardware stores and meeting vaccinated families etc, and lock up the anti vaxxers. That way they are protected as are the vaccinated. Win win.

        • Question says:

          But at some point, very soon, we have to stop paying people to sit at home. There is really is little excuse at this point. Every adult who wants to be protected, can be.

          The problem really has a lot to do with the muddled messaging and poor communication by the government. They definitely do not inspire confidence that they know what they’re doing.

  2. Detroit says:

    Pathetic, its hardly the Pride march is it?
    Just get vaccinated and shut the heck up.

    • Otrwele says:

      A vortex of stupidity just like your pride march and any other immoral things you support. As long as it suits your need then it’s not a problem?? To each his own!

      • Ashley says:

        Exactly. You’re more concerned with marching to show who you sleep with. We want equality for what we put in our bodies the same way!!!!

        • Vana says:

          Ok. So going around tooting horns and maki g a total racket will prove. WHAT ????? Where are your statistics so Aside from THAT. – I’ll remain speechless. But bring on the proof

      • Detroit says:

        Yeah, good one dinosaur.

      • Simon says:

        You know this is the 21 Century right…where we’ve left behind medieval myths and adopted this thing called science.

        It turns out that science works!

        Get the vaccine!

  3. Pro vaxxer says:

    Did I just hear correctly? The organizer stated there are ways in which we can end these ridiculous restrictions and one of them is the vaccine?

  4. the numbers says:

    guess 29 means nothing to them, nor India, Brazil etc

  5. Observer says:

    A pantomime of clinical narcissists!

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    OK, you have had your say. Even doing something as easy as driving your car around, a poor turnout. You at least helped the Government coffers with all that highly taxed gas you burned

    Hope the Premier thanks you.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      A poor turnout ?
      Participants are already referring to their number of about 200 vehicles ‘The majority’ as in ‘having spoken’.
      lol , it looks like they’re not too well educated on a lot of things.

      • Otrwele says:

        The low turnout is proof of the kind of oppression that is going on in this country. Trust me there are thousands but just won’t take this approach. Just look at your low vaccination numbers.?? With the option of everyone who wants a vaccine can get one, you should have reached your “goat immunity” weeks ago.

        • Toodle-oo says:

          People are so oppressed that they couldn’t get in their cars and drive around today ?
          Actually (IMO) our , not ‘my’ ,vaccination numbers aren’t too bad when you take out everyone under 16 and the folks who legitimately can’t get it.
          (And what’s ‘goat immunity ?)

  7. Bakerman says:

    Just drive thru tcd and get vaccinated it will do a lot more good than driving up an down the island

  8. Elliot says:

    Quarantine the sick and vulnerable…not young and healthy people. The plot is for global governance. Premier Burt has to show “strength” by locking his own countrymen to covid jails for 14-days.

    • Baffled Yet Again says:

      Now that vulnerable = unvaccinated, I could be convinced to agree with your premise.

      However, I don’t think that’s what your intention.

      The most distressing thing about your comment, is that it shows you are in fact content to have people quarantined against their will, as long at that group doesn’t include you.

    • GovMint is Coffin. says:

      Eliiot, so what is your plan when one of the young and healthy persons in your household catches the virus and is asymptomatic, doesn’t realize they have it “because they are healthy” and visits someone that isn’t as young and healthy?

      Do you just say, oh well? Do they get charged for manslaughter? Your opinion might change if it was your family member that is sick or dead because of someone elses selfish behavior.

  9. Adrian says:

    Put your big pants on
    Cayman has

  10. Dis Bie says:

    It’s not discrimination if it’s because of you’re choice. People choose to not be vaccinated. These people choose to not get vaccinated.

    We got double vaccinated, we should be allowed to go outside. Those who can and haven’t, shouldn’t be.
    We ate our vegetables we should be allowed to go play. Those people haven’t eaten theirs and have to stay at the table till they do.

    And people who are allergic get special treatment already, like people with other allergies.

  11. Fully Innoculated says:

    They should all be arrested for endangering public health – and vaccinated while in custody, the selfish dirt bags.

    • Sandgrownan says:


      Anyone who can, but refuses to be vaccinated, needs to be fined. There is legal pretendent for this, and it all but eradicated smallpox.

      • trufth says:

        Wrong. There is absolutely NO LEGAL PRECEDENCE and you know it.
        STOP with your nonsense.

        • Sandgrownan says:

          Vaccination act of 1858 – UK – essentially eradicated smallpox. Fined people who refused to be vaccinated.

        • sandgrownan says:

          1901 smallpox “raids” and forced vaccinations in the US? Go look that up.

          1898-1904 smallpox epidemic resulted in mandatory vaccinations across the country – they followed what had happened in the UK.

          Upheld in a SCOTUS decision in 1902.

          Let’s go Burt.

  12. Unbelievable says:

    In relation to Covid deaths, one of the organisers ACTUALLY said the Govt needs to tell us “how many of them were people on their way out anyway”.

    Wow. This is the callous, uncaring, selfish and dangerous attitude of these people. You lot need to stay the hell away from me.

  13. Flew says:

    14 days in a government facility at your own expense is insane. I don’t mind quarantining I want to do it from home. It’s like the Government are saying they are not trusting the majority of its people. We all know who we can’t trust!

  14. Well done says:

    Well done organizers. At least 200 cars came by my house and the support for you was apparent.
    Some of the restrictions are simply wrong.
    A good example is the idea of literally locking up perfectly healthy people
    After June 6th for 2 weeks simply because that haven’t taken a still unapproved vaccine that only has emergency use authorization from
    The FDA. Vaccinated people can spread the virus as can I vaccinated people.
    Those are the facts. Treat both groups equally or it’s simply discrimination.
    Economic bullying comes to mind. This movement is growing and so it should . Let’s do it again and bigger and louder and often.

    • Simon says:

      I’m pretty sure it’s been proven – it’s called science where the proof is in the numbers rather than myths…and it works.
      Those choosing to believe myths and falsehoods are holding this island back with their ignorant refusal to do what good for themselves and for Bermuda – we’re locked down because those people are refusing to vaccinate and consequently getting sick and dying….needlessly.

      • Green Eyes says:

        If anyone’s believing in nonsense, myths, and falsehoods it you. And the people who agree with you. You guys are the ones believing anything and everything the government throws at you. Having no mind of your own, believing they’re here for you, not doing your own research because all you guys heads are so far up governments backside you can’t even try to understand where we, the #unvaccinated, are feeling and the proof we’ve been shown. You guys are choosing to inject yourself with a foreign substance that you’ve been TOLD to take in “order to save your life”. Think on it and once you clean the sh*t out of your ears and eyes I’ll be the shoulder you can lean on when you find out the truth.

  15. Equally says:

    Quarantine both vaccinated and unvaccinated for a minimum of 14 days or until a negative test there after.
    Government needs to place a cap of 99 dollars for the first 14 of any hotel stay and twice as much for the luxury properties. This will be a major boost for the restaurant’s and hotels alike while keeping the risk of the virus its variants and new strains low and allow Bermuda to return to a life with minimum restrictions!

    Since when is the Bermuda health department more experienced than the NHS or CDC to allow cruise ships to Bermuda. ???

  16. Dis Bie says:

    Just drove passed tnt highschool, where the protest ended, and the police are just sitting around watching the people get out of their cars and cross household mingle.

    Not telling the people off or to get back in their cars, just watching.

    Why make rules and laws if the police aren’t going to enforce them?

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Were you really expecting something different ?
      They didn’t make anyone remove placards covering license plates or even ticket for illegal license plates. All right there staring them in the face.
      And then people wonder why there’s mayhem on the roads .

  17. Love and Respect says:

    This is so unfortunate to see. Just look at how divided the country is right now over this. This topic is polarizing . I’m not vaccine or anti vaccine. What I am is pro choice. I believe everyone has a voice and should have a choice. We are not sheep. I believe you should have the god given right to determine your destiny and what goes in and out of your body. “I” believe you should not feel pressured or guilted into making a life changing decision without “real” evidence and not speculative assumptions. Isn’t that what we try to instill in our beautiful children, to avoid being bullied, to stand tall to peer pressure? Who have we become and why?

    For my pun knowledge I do have a couple of questions and I do value your opinions:-
    1. What is the long term affects of the vaccine? If anyone takes ill, who is held responsible?
    2. Would investing in health, wellness and education be a better solution to our survival rather then drugs and medication ?

    Take the emotion out of your answers.
    I value your opinions

  18. Sandra says:

    That was wonderful. It was so awesome to see people of Bermuda smiling again. Just to see people’s faces and seeing their beautiful smiles…..HAPPINESS! UNITY! PEACE! Bring back our freedom!

  19. Common Sense says:

    Google Dr Karanja in Kenya

  20. Jerry says:

    You all got what you Voted for

  21. Simon says:

    Painful to see people being quite so ignorant- just get the vaccine.
    It works!
    No one has died here from the vaccine, many have now died from COVID because they chose not to vaccinate. They could have but they didn’t and those people have paid a heavy price. Others should learn from it.
    Get the vaccine…it takes 2 minutes, is relatively painless and contains none of Bill Gates microchips I can assure you! Protect yourself, your family and Bermuda and enable us all to get on with life.

  22. So concerned says:

    Watching what I saw today is sooo disturbing that I hardly have words to express, but I’ll try. Yes, maybe the 14 day quarantine for non vac. returnees to the island. is not the best option . There are other ways eg. according to Mr. Pettingill “sanctions for breaches” etc. might make more sense. Those ideas could be put forward and sorted. I get that. In a few days we could be on the fringe/brink right now of being able to open schools, share with our families etc.. but NO…. today u all gather with no mask, with people u probably had no association with. DO YOU GET IT!! It is this type of behavior that has gotten us in this place. It’s those of us who are self centered and think that this is some kind of conspiracy only need to speak with the 24 families who have stood behind the glass window INTENSIVE CARE and watched their love one gasp for their last breath. BERMUDA! STOP THE NONSENSE! THIS IS NO JOKE!! COVID IS NO JOKE!! People want to get back to work! Stop blaming Government for something that WE have done to ourselves. BY OUR CARELESS BEHAVIOUR. Just when we are seeing the light, we could have another spike because people act as if they are invincible. When the rubber hits the road and there’s no funds to pay our salaries (look at the amount of businesses that are closed) that’s when reality hits hard! As far as vaccine is concern, if u want to get it, go ahead. If for one reason or another u don’t , than that your choice. But at least have enough respect to follow protocols to protect others who are also protecting you.

  23. So concerned says:

    Watching what I saw today is sooo disturbing that I hardly have words to express, but I’ll try. Yes, maybe the 14 day quarantine for non vac. returnees to the island. is not the best option . There are other ways eg. according to Mr. Pettingill “sanctions for breaches” etc. might make more sense. Those ideas could be put forward and sorted. I get that. In a few days we could be on the fringe/brink right now of being able to open schools, share with our families etc.. but NO…. today u all gather with no mask, with people u probably had no association with. DO YOU GET IT!! It is this type of behavior that th has gotten us in this place. It’s those of us who are self centered and think that this is some kind of conspiracy only need to speak with the 24 families who have stood behind the glass window INTENSIVE CARE and watched their love one gasp for their last breath. BERMUDA! STOP THE NONSENSE! THIS IS NO JOKE!! COVID IS NO JOKE!! People want to get back to work! Stop blaming Government for something that WE have done to ourselves. BY OUR CARELESS BEHAVIOUR. Just when we are seeing the light, we could have another spike because people act as if they are invincible. When the rubber hits the road and there’s no funds to pay our salaries (look at the amount of businesses that are closed) that’s when reality hits hard! As far as vaccine is concern, if u want to get it, go ahead. If for one reason or another u don’t , than that your choice. But at least have enough respect to follow protocols to protect others who are also protecting you.

  24. George says:

    Mental illness at an all time high today

  25. Wilderness says:

    Small numbers, Probably have the same number saying Elvis is still alive.

  26. shabooh Shoobah says:

    Yes the elderly, obese and those with health problems absolutely need to get vaccinated totally agree with that. Those who are otherwise healthy will only experience flu symptoms so therefor it should be optional to take the vaccines. No one knows the long term consequence of these vaccines as they were rushed through the clinical process. Democracies are meant to allow for freedom of choice and opinion not what the media and Government determine. We are drifting perilously close to a communist style ideology.

  27. MADDOG says:

    CAN SOMEONE QUALIFIED AND INFORMED PLEASE CONFRIM THAT: even with the vaccine you can still get COVID 19 and still pass it around, however, should you happen to get it, your symptoms should be a lot less severe and your chances of survival are much higher, and you would not likely need to rely on hospital resources, equipment and care. So, if you choose NOT to get the vaccine, you are risking your own mortality and may need extensive medical support. If this is the case, if you choose NOT to get vaccinated, then that is your personal choice (I choose to be really sick / or die) and you should pay higher medical insurance than those vaccinated. HELP US UNDERSTAND!!!