City To Increase Some Rental & Parking Rates
The City of Hamilton will “implement a modest 5% increase in select rates” which will “include a 5% increase to all City venue rental fees” and “all-day parking fees at Bull’s Head and Elliott Street Car Parks will increase from $5 to $6 per day.”
A spokesperson said, “Starting February 1, 2025, the City of Hamilton will implement a modest 5% increase in select rates. The updated rates will help support City operating expenses and ensure the City continues to deliver high-quality services while maintaining its facilities to the highest standard.
“The adjustments will include a 5% increase to all City venue rental fees. This marks the first increase to venue rental rates since 2015, reflecting the need to keep fees in line with rising operational costs and market trends. The public may recall that in 2021, the City decreased the rental rates for some of the City’s popular rental venues to help reduce the financial strains faced by residents, community groups, small businesses and local charities caused by COVID-19.
“Additionally, all-day parking fees at Bull’s Head and Elliott Street Car Parks will increase from $5 to $6 per day, marking the first adjustment since 2014, when City parking rates were in fact decreased. Monthly and annual parking pass fees for these car parks will also be adjusted: monthly permits will rise from $100 to $120, and yearly permits will increase from $1,100 to $1,320. All other parking rates and parking-related permit fees will remain unchanged.
“The increase will also apply to City property rentals which are not subject to automatic rate adjustments [such as CPI] as specified in their leases, where the City acts as landlord, as well as Trenching and Roadwork Applications. However, all other application and permit fees, including advertising rates for City banners, ports-related applications, and vendor application fees, will remain the same. Reduced rental rates for charitable organizations will continue as part of the City’s ongoing commitment to supporting local community-centric initiatives.
“Facilities affected by these changes include the Pier 6 Complex, the City’s premier harbourside venue, as well as various City parks such as Barr’s Bay Park, Fort Hamilton, Dudley Eve Park, Jubilee Park, Point Pleasant Park at Albouy’s Point, Queen Elizabeth Park, and Victoria Park. All City Hall facilities, including the Earl Cameron Theatre, will also be subject to the new rates.
“The City values its partnership with residents and businesses and remains committed to supporting the community through these thoughtful adjustments. For questions or concerns, please contact the City’s Venue & Rentals Coordinator at or call 441-292-1234.
“We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we implement these updates to ensure we continue serving the community effectively and sustainably.”
The City of Hamilton Venue Rental Rates 2025 follows below [PDF here]:
“all-day parking fees at Bull’s Head and Elliott Street Car Parks will increase from $5 to $6 per day.”
If my math is correct, $5 to $6 for parking is a 20% increase in the parking fee. Why was that percentage not specified? What do we get for the extra 20%? Wider parking spaces? Better pavement? Security? Free windshield cleaning once a week? Free car washes once a month?
You are using “old math”. The City is using “new math”.
I stand corrected, thank you.
agreed… they need to fix the bottlenecking that happens at 5 pm when their systems slow down at the pay machines and the exits at bullhead.
If i have a small class “A” car i am paying the same rate as a clas” H” car the 20 % that is a massive % iincrease that hits the jack pot and that is what i have be telling you all for months now.
Merchants will to go for the gold. and find it to be stone .
Frankly i do not think Bermuda can take much more of this price hiking.
Then again C of H may loose more than they gain as the docks frontage are virtually empty.
City hall proper is under used eg : as I can no longer go ball room dancing there any more .
I wonder why the did not give free parking to seniors i can’t walk all the way from” bulley head” to the Bank because my hip lights up.
a lot more people will leave the island when confronted with the thick end of the wedge.
When I worked in the city I parked at bulley head for 17 years cost me. all of $21.250 .
The trickle down will always hurt our tourist business we were already too expensive .
Hamilton merchant are starving now ,this 20 % Goad is realy going to hurt them or take them out for good as people will be force to go to amazon or e-bay. or are they doing it now. this. is what the C of H is doing on top of every body is doing the same thing.