PLP Propose Debate With Eight Participants
The PLP issued a statement saying that they propose a debate with two representatives of the Progressive Labour Party, the One Bermuda Alliance, the Free Democratic Movement and the Independents, which would make a total of eight participants in the debate.
A spokesperson said, “The Progressive Labour Party is today calling for a national debate to discuss the issues facing Bermuda. We propose a debate with the widest participation – and the most voices possible.
“To that end, we propose a format featuring the following:
- 2 Representatives of the Progressive Labour Party
- 2 Representatives of the One Bermuda Alliance
- 2 Representatives of the Free Democratic Movement
- 2 Representatives of the Independents
“We call on Bermuda’s major media houses and debate organizations to come together to jointly sponsor and organize the debate.
“The recommended format reflects the reality of today’s political environment. The multi person debate format is done in Jamaica and is common in university level debates, such as the World Universities Debating Championships.
“Today’s reality is very different from previous elections – the community wants to hear a variety of voices speaking to the future of our country and our people.
“In the debate, we seek to highlight how we’ve worked to build a fairer Bermuda during these difficult times for the world. We will speak about raising seniors pensions, lowering taxes for 86% of us while raising taxes on the wealthy, increasing childcare, introducing the minimum wage and building or renovating over 70 affordable housing units. We will discuss our achievable plans for the future which include a senior daycare centre, a primary care visit under HIP, a specialist visit under FutureCare and less expensive essential goods through a Government backed co-op,” the PLP said.
There have been attempts to have debates prior to elections for years [1] [2] [3] [4] and the island’s media have already been in discussions and agreed to jointly host/fund a debate for the 2025 General Election, along with Bermuda Youth Connect, should the relevant individuals agree to participate this time.
We reached out to the other political entities to get a response to the PLP’s public proposal and will update as able.
For full coverage of the 2025 Election and past elections, visit the links below, with comprehensive coverage available on our network website, the leading source of data and election videos.
- All: Our coverage of the 2025 General Election here
- 2025 Candidates: List of the 110 candidates
- Constituencies: Data/past results of all 36 constituencies
- Videos: Over 200 videos spanning multiple elections here
- Official: The Government’s election website here
- Comprehensive: Our website here
Whilst supportive of the idea of having some sort of structured debate on policy amongst all parties/candidates, one has to wonder why this is only being brought to the table now and not earlier.
This proposal seems disingenuous at best and unless this debate is non-scripted and the questions are formulated by a third party that is not connected to either party, it’s only going to be a means for the PLP to promote propaganda.
The PLP is trying to present themselves as open, transparent and open to criticism and accountability. Why? They don’t want us to think about how much visible discomfort and avoidance they display when confronted with very basic questions from both the media and the public, especially during this election cycle.
Their words are one thing, their actions another.
It also sounds like a nightmare scenario. All the cross talking, voice raising, eye rolling. Oh please, you can keep it.
Then you hypocritical find reasons to say why it won’t be good. Dead end. Hand the country over to you. I think that would be best.
Where does this come from? Unbelieveable. Soumds like you don’t want your wishes granted. It came from all over Facebook , Bernews, the RG and other media and on the door step from constituents. Decide what you want. Or take your finger out of your mouth and run the country.
Maybe an opportunity for another walk out
Canvassers report voters asking for a debate and all over the media and now it is being planned you spill hot gravy all over yourself revealing you really don’t know what you want. Don’t worry. You will still get your crayons when santa comes.
We had political debates in the 1990s. They were structured and respectful.
Sadly, I do not believe that Bermuda could have such a structured and respectful debate in the current political climate.
It is a known fact when people do not put pen to paper as they never do , the conversation becomes meaningless.
most likely their situstion will transform from bad to worse.
If you ask 10 diferent people tp define speeding or tailgating you will get 10 different answers.
A debate usualy will end is disarray ; anger ; animosity ; winners and loosers ; humiliation; vindictive behavior insults and a total wast of time and effort.
let the sleeping dog lie!
let the people in their wisdom exercise their right to VOTE . we will ge what we deserve .
On. a personal note.
It is so sad what this beautiful island of ours has come to !
Disarray or any of those other dictionary word you used. You participate and tge media dissects everything from the colour of your time to one word.
Not a curse word but u should have said this or that. Let’s have a meaningful debate.
When they start tearing one another in to little pieces that will break many hearts .
May i ask , how many candidates are not being invited to the table is equality not being part of the process . Come on ! Give over !
Have no fear the independents are here to .
A debate at this eleventh hour will lead to the question.
Why was the election date not postponed to a date when our students who are in University are now being disenfranchised ?
Are we and they being manipulated ?
As the world turns ,was this a fix or a legitimate error in timing ?
Usualy elections are planned 4 year in advance.
It’s the same PLP spokes person (MP) making multiple posters with different names, look at the avatar.
“May i ask , how many candidates are not being invited to the table is equality not being part of the process .”
There are 25 independent candidates, so 23 are not being invited.
“Usualy elections are planned 4 year in advance.”
You seem to think this election was not planned 4 years ago. Why is that?
Have you have not become bogged down with the numberson how many sits at the table.
I see that you are do me the honor of quoting me. thank you for your endorsemnt and the confidence that you have in my bound less wisdom and with regard to my some times contraversial contributions as the crumbs left on the table cloth must have some nutrition value in all I say.
With regard to the process of an election one could say what really matters is the final result regardless of oppinion .
It is important that we live in the now , with the hope, of a brighter future for every one.
Do not expect any miracles so you will not be disapointed, not so sure that we need any more laws . The game of monopoly would come handy just now .
They are not perfect but I doubt they will make a mistake. They are not asking you to go on.
Unlikely to proceed anyway. 2 people from 3 parties plus 2 independents? How will the 2 independents be chosen?
If you can’t solve that,you can’t govern the country. Ask independents to submit their names and on national TV you pick two. Look in your toy box…I got the answer from there. You need to step up and not lower your game.
Nice deflection by the same paid PLP poster using the same computer as their other multiple aliases.
You make no sense, go back to your toy box, or seek assistance from Alaska Hall. Why just the Independents? The other 2 from the 3 parties should also be picked the same way.
On the night of Feb 18, you’ll probably say something else foolish like. “I THINK THEY CHEATED” When the reality is people on both sides of the political spectrum know that the OBA is the UBP and nothing will change it. Those black professionals that you had before are not coming back.
One has to Question why now ? they have avoided debates in the past so why now ? one would question do they believe they are behind and would need another avenue to stretch the truth and fabricate false accusations. Clear Example they blame carolina Bay on the OBA but yet it was the plp who after granting permission for the use of Spicelands had to backtrack and offered up Morgans point but didnt spend a single $ the Americans gave them to clean it up so guess who had to pay for it and throw in time delays and you know how it stands today
So this is a ploy by a Party (Burt) to rescue a doomed situation
THat has been their go to all along.
March , Picket and complain about the airport contract when they were the first to show they promised to build one in their election campaign but never said how they would pay for it. There problem really had nothing to do with the contract because they did the exact same thing when th enew Hospital was built!
THey complained about Jetgate even theough not a single penny was spendt and no contract signed. However, they had no problem atall when their own party leader hopped abord a private jet and then awarded two back to back contracts to Globalhue?
We are all tired with the double speak and do as we say but not as we do mentality. If you all want to go wown with the ship, so be it, Im going to at least try one of the lifeboats offered by FDM, OBA and the indepndents.
Clearly a propaganda stunt to offer this. 8 people would seriously limit response time. This therefore would be an UNFAIR debate, with UNFAIR amounts of time for each candidate oand an UNFAIRLY moderated propaganda stunt.
The PLP making Bermuda increasingly UNFAIR one day at a time.
Reading the above , I think it would be a good thing if the PLP lost because they have been accused of all sorts of things with no evidence. Once in Opposition,the P.L.P.should just leave the winner and independents alone. The new party have to jump 10 feet for the critics above who speak with emotion and no research or political understanding. The plp should just serve their constituents and let the winner lead without interference the same way the USA, was warned about its President, who has now revealed his hand. He beat a brighter more sensible opponent. And now they know what they have. Yep plp you can relax and listen and knock on our doors but the critics above will hibernate because they are NOT attached to anything long term but their crayons.
I think the OBAUBPERS brought Fahy back so they can blame someone after Feb 18!!!
I think a debate in all 36 constituents across the island with each representative participating in a structured format is a great idea. Other than that, the Premier’s idea is a trap for independents as they can only represent themselves – the beauty is they are not bound by a uniform or ideology.
All it takes is one person who will come with a profound irrisistable urge and hell bent on destroying by heckling the proceedings , removal of the individual/s is the moderators only option.