Brownie Groups Host Marine Symposium
The First Devonshire and First West Pembroke Brownies hosted a marine symposium on January 30.
A spokesperson said, “The First Devonshire and First West Pembroke Brownies hosted a marine symposium on Thursday January 30th at The First Baptist Church in Devonshire. For the past two years they have been engaged in coastal studies and clean ups, and investigation of the importance of mangroves on marine life and the environment, the impact of pollutants such as plastics on fish and turtles. The harm caused by oil spills and the differences in sand found on both Northshore and Southshore beaches.
“The girls, aged 7 to 10, visited the Bluehole Nature Reserve in Baileys Bay and collected tiny pieces of plastic trapped in seaweed. They cleaned up the beach and designed posters with powerful messages geared towards encouraging the community to keep Bermuda’s oceans free from litter. Arts and crafts were included in the marine study. They designed dioramas depicting Bermuda’s seashore and ocean.
“They created wearable poster costumes and made marine puppets and jellyfish. They recited a poem created by their Brown Owl, Cathy Bassett, dedicated to green turtles in distress and invited Dr. Gaelle Roth to the symposium to address the plight of Bermuda’s turtles and the BZS epic rehab programme which is saving our injured turtles.
“The Brownies donated $300 to the Turtle Project headed by Dr. Roth at the Aquarium. Funds were a result of a marine trash-a-thon.
“The study of marine life and perils in the ocean has led the girls to investigate further into scientific areas of interest and one Brownie, Natalie Werther, has earned her science investigator badge and several girls are nearing completion. Three other Brownies who memorized their poem about the perils of plastics in the Ocean have stepped up to performing the plight of marine animals through hand mime and puppetry. They have earned their public speaking and performance badges. They are Arohi Nomula Veera, Ragavarshini Subhash, and Iyla Bascome.
“The Brownies will receive ongoing education about environmental topics of interest from their Brownie friend Noelle Young, environmentalist. Already she has shared a story and given a talk about the perils of turtles.
“The symposium was attended by 50 participants including First Somerset Brownies and Guides along with parents and veteran leaders, Normajean Richardson and Michelle Simons.
“The First Devonshire and First West Pembroke Brownies will soon welcome Rainbow Brownies into their Guiding programme as they continue to exemplify excellence in being stewards of the environment. Assisting in Brownie initiatives are Tawny Owl Maxine and Snowy Owl Harsha, supported and guided by Brown Owl Cathy and Island Commissioner, Rosalind Wally Simmons.”
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