TCD Updates Truck Replacement Process

February 2, 2025 | 2 Comments

The Transport Control Department [TCD] announced “significant updates to the process for replacing old trucks with new trucks.”

A Government spokesperson said, “Based on feedback received during the Red Tape Reduction Consultation process, these enhancements are designed to simplify the procedure, improve accessibility, and ensure faster, more efficient handling of truck replacement requests.

“Replacing a truck is now a straightforward process that requires submitting a letter of request. This letter should include the specifications of the new vehicle, along with a picture or brochure for reference, which must be provided to the TCD’s Senior Examiner for processing.

“If the new truck model maintains the same specifications as the previous one, the existing registration number will remain unchanged. However, if the new model differs in size, whether larger or smaller, a new number will be issued to reflect the appropriate truck category. The process is expected to take up to two working days.”

Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert emphasized, “Last year, our Red Tape Reduction Consultation process provided us with valuable feedback from the community about which regulations could be reduced, streamlined, or made more efficient. We carefully considered this feedback, which has helped us improve the process of truck replacement, and we will continuously review our processes to ensure they are both effective and responsive to the needs of our customers.”

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    Oh looky there! More good news for the average guy, and right before an election too.

    Here is something that could have been, and should have been, enacted long ago. Don’t be fooled by this little trinket timed to buy your vote.

    It shows how shallow and desperate this PLP Government is to retain power. How long has this been sitting on the Transport Ministers desk waiting for the most advantageous enactment time?

  2. PAC MAN says:

    I Presume the parliament has been dissolved which in turn put the Governor in charge
    not sure if he need to give a pep talk to calm the people of this island down never the less
    prior to the election .

    It is policy time to correct all the which need a little tweeting by a “people act of policy ” amendments
    May be we can get back to a two day trash pick up ,in order to slow down the island wide rat population some of which got over the bridge to St Georges .
    Best time to catch rats is around midnight with a teathered stickie.
    the trick here is to feed them treats to invite them to the swimming regatta party for three nights on the 4 th
    One night I caught three of them loitering around the trash bin, two juniors (Twins) an one Grand pa .
    I believe that could be a record for Southampton.

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