BELCO Updates Following Hurricane Joaquin

October 5, 2015

BELCO has issued an update regarding the status of its customers following the passing of Hurricane Joaquin, saying that as of 5.00pm today [Oct 5], approximately 7,058 customers have had power restored, leaving 8,322 without power, and that it is unable to provide ETAs for specific areas of power restoration.

A BELCO spokesperson said, “Of the 31 Main Line Circuits that were knocked out as a result of Hurricane Joaquin, only 10 remain out of service, three of which are anticipated to come back on shortly. Crews will be working well into the night to continue restoration efforts.

“Some of the larger areas where restoration crews are currently working include, but are not limited to, a number of areas in the West, including Ess Hill [Ord Road area], Belmont [Warwick Pond area], Camp Hill [Spice Hill area where lines were down], and Stonington [Harmony Hall & Mission Road area].

“BELCO is not able provide ETA’s for specific areas of power restoration. Crews have been making good progress throughout today restoring power to essential services, critical infrastructure and mainline circuits that result in restoration to large numbers of customers.

“As this is taking place, an Island-wide assessment of damage to the system is also being conducted in order to determine what areas are safe to restore and what areas may require tree-trimming or preparatory work before power can be restored safely.

“As of 5:00pm this afternoon approximately 7,058 customers have had power restored, leaving 8,322 currently without electricity as restoration crews continue to move through the Island. Following is the breakdown of customers currently without power by Parish:

  • Sandys – 196
  • Southampton – 1036
  • Warwick – 2951
  • Paget – 946
  • Pembroke – 313
  • Devonshire – 1108
  • Smith’s – 1122
  • Hamilton – 105
  • St. George’s – 545

“Unfortunately, we do not anticipate being able to bring all customers back online before crews are stood down at Midnight tonight. Updates will continue throughout the evening through the media and on Facebook and Twitter.

“We would like to express our thanks to the community for their expressions of support to BELCO Crews and moreso for the patience of those customers who are still without power.”

The best place to view all updates is our live blog here, and you can view all our hurricane coverage here.

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  1. Bermuda123 says:

    Well done Belco – appreciate all your hard work

  2. Anne Hyde says:

    Congratulations to BELCO who are setting an excellent example of work ethic. They were proactive and prepared in anticipation of the storm, have diligently worked through the night and are executing a well-coordinated plan to get everyone’s power back on. From my point of view as a member of the public, it looks like the management and work crews are a united team, and communication to the public has been excellent. Thank you!

  3. longbay trading says:

    Thank u belco. Just got my power Monday at 830 tonight. Thks so look much.
    Warwick south shore

  4. In the dark, again says:

    If your power is on you may sing praises of Belco. I am less than a kilometer from Belco and still in the dark. In fact, I can smell the fumes from the plant. Same thing last year as we were one of the last to be reconnected.

    This turned out to be a minor storm so people should be reconnected quickly. 36 hours later and thousands still have no power. Nuff said.