Bascome-Emery On Gilbert, Politics, More

February 3, 2025 | 9 Comments

“I waited until the end of the day to release this statement as I needed the people to see what level of audacity both the PLP and OBA have,” Rayki Bascome-Emery — an Independent Candidate for Constituency 22 Paget East — said today.

Mr. Bascome-Emery said, “Firstly, Scott Pearman, an absent MP releases a statement filled with buzzwords and catchy phrases but lacking any real substance or truth. The same could be said about the statement from Mr. Ben Smith, who I note has done nothing to date to support the families of Gilbert Institute and instead uses them as political football in a seat that the OBA cannot afford to lose. The people deserve better than that.

“To make matters more interesting, Dawn Simmons the PLP chairwoman, decided that a response was needed from her. At no point in her statement does the PLP Chairwoman mention the parents, children or teachers at Gilbert Institute. Excuse my direct tone, but where has she been? C22 isn’t remotely interested in being represented by the PLP and to be fair I’m sure the feeling is mutual. I’m sure the parents of Gilbert Institute didn’t invite the PLP to the rally hence their absence from the event.

“Then to make the day more interesting, the failing Minister of Education decided to send in a statement. A hollow and meaningless statement. So far, four different MPs from two different parties have tossed this back and forward without any actual plan to provide transitional support to families leaving the school or without doing any actual advocacy for the school. This is what party politics is all about.

“You have the OBA who knew for years that this school was closing and did nothing to represent the people of C22 and the PLP who created the debt, failing economy, and further destroyed the education system arguing with each other while the people suffer. This is what party politics is about, empty promises without real resolve from people more interested in holding on to power than representing the people. I implore the residents of C22 to read my education plan created specifically for them. It is available on”

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  1. Ah. I see it. You think this is an says:

    Elementary school debate so you go see saw,see saw, back and forwards when we are wanting to hear what you will do. You scored another own goal.

    • hey says:

      You are a PLP propaganda merchant and a member of the PLP , please stop trying to manipulate under the pretense that you are just a reader/voter. You need to disclose your affiliation with the PLP, if you believe in a FAIRER Bermuda.

      I am just a voter with no affiliations or memberships to any party

  2. I think I'll invent a new Bermuda board says:

    Game called Attack Attack Attack. If you have any concerns about inflation:
    . Bad roads
    . Lack of housing
    You lose if you give any solutions
    You win if you Attack the candidates/ parties.
    I think it will be a best seller until a little boy shouts the Emperor has no clothes and we realize that the candidates should be attacking the problems and not each other. God save the King and prepare Degraff beef pies for the winners and butter sandwiches for the lovers…oops loosers.

  3. Hey says:

    The OBA people called out the Premier on announcing the school was going to be a Seniors day care when the rules of FAIR campaigning don’t allow announcements or new work to be done after the election is called and parliament dissolved. FAIR is not a word to associate with the PLP, which is why they are using it repeatedly.

    • watching says:

      But they were totally wrong as the closing of Gilbert and repurposing to a senior day care was decided and announced well before the election was called.

      It was the OBA who were wrong with their press release.

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        The announcement was made in December. Hardly “well before the election was called”.

        Looks like many did not see it. Where was the usual press conference fanfare?

  4. watching says:

    The OBA and IND have only started talking about Gilbert Institute in the last few weeks due to the election.

    The OBA kids don’t even go to public school so Jarion and Pearman couldn’t care less.

    The school system needs reform and the PLP are finally doing it. It won’t please everyone, but the current environment is not sufficient. There will be teething pains but there will also be more pain if nothing is done. What do the OBA propose be done?

    Using Gilbert as a seniors’ center makes perfect sense and I am pleased to see the PLP do this.

    • Scott says:


      What you say is incorrect.

      The OBA have been fighting against the closure of Gilbert since 2010 when Grant Gibbons MP took on the then PLP Education Minister El James.

      Maybe try to stick with the facts, rather than your incorrect political narrative?

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    The announcement was made in December. Hardly “well before the election was called”.

    Looks like many did not see it. Where was the usual press conference fanfare?

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