Somersfield Academy Open House Tomorrow

April 25, 2018

Somersfield Academy will be holding an open house event titled “Discover the Magic of Montessori” tomorrow [April 26] at 5.30pm.

A spokesperson said, “Somersfield Academy is set to host an open house event “Discover the Magic of Montessori”. The open house will take place on April 26th, 2018 at 5:30pm. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the Montessori Philosophy, curriculum and why starting your child’s formal education at three years old is the best decision.

“You are invited to gain “hands-on” experience with the Montessori materials and have one on one talks with our Montessori trained teachers. Creative teaching strategies help students go beyond simply memorizing and recalling facts, to generate their own understanding and application of information. Somersfield Academy offers an education that makes a difference.

“To reserve a spot, please contact the Admissions Coordinator Alison Kempe on 236-9797 ext. 3345 or email”

Somersfield Academy Open House Bermuda April 2018

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