Video: Sunday July 19th ‘Good News’ Spotlight

July 19, 2020

News that Nahki Wells earned three different accolades, Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers member companies provided $3.1 million in support of Bermuda charities this year, a clean up was held on Vesey Street, and Bermuda Autism Support & Education made donations totaling $1,500 to ASD classrooms were all some of the positive news stories from the past week.

GN cover Bermuda July 19 2020

In additional good news, S. Paige Martin has been selected as this year’s recipient of the EY Bermuda Gil Tucker Scholarship, Pembroke Parish Council extended its scholarship deadline and age range, C.A.R.E. Learning Centre held their graduation ceremony, and BHB expressed gratitude to the Little Venice Group.

Other good news stories included BDA being named Best Direct Investment Partner Award, Trey Mallory winning a Men’s Open title, a new business offering disinfecting services, and a video dubbed ‘Flying Over Bermuda’ achieving two million views.

We also posted various community photo galleries, including coverage of the ‘That’s My Baby’ contest winners, cricket, the Bermuda Sports Awards Ceremony, the VT Construction cycling time trial, and Bermuda Flag Football League action.

In an effort to highlight some of positive news happening in our community, we supplement our standard morning and evening email newsletters with a special Sunday “Good News” email newsletter edition, and also produce a highlight video and article which strictly focuses on the positive news about Bermuda and Bermudians from the past week. You can sign up to have the free newsletter delivered via email here, and/or access the links below.

In addition, for those who like positive news, please feel free to visit our sister site, which seeks to showcase uplifting Bermuda news and visitor related services, or, which offers an array of free Facebook and social media cover images, graphic designs and videos to assist you in showing off your Bermudian pride on social media!

Links to some of the ‘good news’ from the past week are below:

click here Bermuda Sunday 'Good News' Spotlights 1

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