Greenrock To Host Sponsor Forum On October 7

October 3, 2022

In its mission to “raise awareness and funds to support” the Offshore Wind Feasibility Study Series, developed in collaboration with UK-based Offshore Wind Experts, BVG & Associates, Greenrock will be holding a sponsor forum at the Chubb Building, from 12.00pm to 2.00pm, on Friday [Oct 7].

Greenrock Hosts Sponsor Forum Bermuda October 3, 2022

“The forum, designed to host existing and potential supporters of Greenrock, will provide a platform to discuss the feasibility study series, why it is important for Bermuda, and the funding required to complete it in a timely manner,” a spokesperson said.

“Greenrock invites corporate representatives and potential private donors to attend the forum on October 7. They also encourage everyone to share this information with persons interested in accelerating the deployment of renewable energy in Bermuda. To RSVP, please email For more information, visit the Greenrock website, or call 441.747.7625.”

The Offshore Wind Feasibility Study Overview follows below [PDF here]

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  1. Guy Young says:

    now get a committee to disscuss it. then send it to arbitrade.
    more hot air from the bsers