BPS Honors Constable Swan’s 35-Year Service
The BPS recognized Constable Lee-Roma Swan, who is retiring after 35 years of dedicated service, highlighting her positive attitude and commitment throughout her career.
A police spokesperson said, “Acting Commissioner of Police Na’imah Astwood highlighted the policing career of Constable Lee-Roma Swan, who retires from the Bermuda Police Service [BPS] after serving 35 years and 4 months.
“Senior police officers, BPS colleagues and family members were on hand to recognise this special milestone.
“Constable Swan was described by colleagues as always positive, approaching her work with dedication and a smile.
“She has been community minded since childhood, which led her to become a police officer, as she believed it was the best way for her to help people.
“Constable Swan has worked in various areas within the BPS and started her law enforcement career as a junior police cadet, while a student at Warwick Sec.
“Thank you Constable Swan for your service! We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.”
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