College President Has Ministry’s Support
Minister of Education, Wayne Scott, has this evening [May 12] stated that Dr. Duranda Green continues to have his Ministry’s support in her capacity as President of the Bermuda College.
Last week the full-time members of the Bermuda College Faculty Association [BCFA] issued a statement regarding the result of a secret ballot and a no confidence vote in the President of the Bermuda College.
Minister Scott stated, “The Bermuda College falls under the remit of the Ministry of Education and as Minister of Education, I would like to state that Dr Green continues to have my support in her capacity as President of the Bermuda College.
“As Minister I am always open to dialogue in resolving matters in a synergistic and collaborative manner for the benefit of all. However, open dialogue is a two way process and the Ministry at no time was approached by the Faculty Association with any of the concerns raised in their press release.
“Dr. Greene has kept the Ministry fully abreast of operational activities at the Bermuda College and I believe she has provided excellent leadership in the midst of the financial challenges, particularly in the areas of financial management, performance management and customer service.
“I would be similarly agreeable to meeting with the representative of the Faculty Association. It is my hope that the Board, the President and Faculty can work together to resolve any outstanding differences.”
Dear Minister, Last month you were the Sports Minister and this month you are the Education Minister and yet you have found the time to undertake an evaluation of the President of Bermuda College in the areas of financial management, performance management and customer service. Sir, you are a fast learner. How much time have you spent on the Bermuda College Campus, speaking with Faculty, Staff and Students in order to make this assessment? Aren’t the audited financial statements years behind? Did you inquire about student issues? Have you read the recent Internal Audit? What about the dismal organization climate? I am afraid that your conclusions have been made with little or no research. My vote at the next polls will evaluate you and hence the OBA, unfortunately, you get an F grade for lack of research and an opinion not based on fact.
Either way you lot should have sorted it out in house first with her, the Board and the Ministry. You don’t run to the media with all that nonsense. Bunch of cowards.
Due diligence my foot!
@ due diligence you raise very good points. At a minimum having so many people signing a complaint should require a full and formal investigation before the Minister declares his full support. Also it would be incumbent on the PS to investigate and deal with any problems and not the Minister.
The Faculty Association did not even inform the Ministry of their concerns. Absolutely unacceptable and wrong. You simply don’t treat people this way.
Are you sure?
On de Hill;
Why would they have to go to the Ministry first? Why is there more concern over ‘how’ this has happened then over why it happened? You do realise the FA (and staff) of BC have major concerns with the President and have voiced them to her and the Executives on numerous occasions. Each time told its being “looked into”
How long before people have to get tired of being polite to seek action. Neither the Minister nor BoG have stopped to speak with faculty or staff to gauge thier opinions on the matter.
It shows how disconnected the Minister and the board chair Jill Husbands is from the employees of the college, as a press release was sent and we as employees did even receive a copy as a courtesy.
Where are the core values?
Scary that you work there and are not understanding the issue.
The issue is that prior to the press release being sent, the Ministry should have been made aware of the faculty’s thoughts regarding Dr. Greene.
Poor Min. Scott does not have a clue how the real world works. When you have almost all the faculty at odds with one person THERE ARE BIG PROBLEMS WITH THE ONE PERSON..
huh? that may well be the case but did the Faculty bring their concerns to the Board, the Ministry or did they grumble amongst themselves and when their grievances weren’t heard (for obvious reasons), they went to the press? if the Faculty and others think that that was the best way to resolve a problem, then i say god help the students under their care.
Seems pretty clear cut to me. Surely the most qualified people to pass judgement on the competence of the president of an educational institution are the educators themselves. When over 90% disagree with the way she is running things, how can the minister for education possibly have any confidence in her himself?! Is he really offering her his support based on ‘leadership in the areas of financial management’?! That’s ludicrous! First of all, Dr. Greene is not the one oragnising the finances – that job is done by the financial controller. Second, (and through no fault of the current financial controller, who is diligently attempting to correct the huge screw up caused by his predecessor over a number of years, under the not-so-watchful eye of the same Dr. Greene) the finances are a shambles, as ‘Due Diligence Next Time’ has already pointed out.
The real issue is actually that the competence of the director of one of the island’s most important educational institutions has been seriously questioned by a group of people whose opinions should be highly valued.
There is no incentive for the staff to take such an extraordinary measure unless they felt there was a serious problem that was adversely impacting the people the college is there to serve, the students. Presumably this was made public as prior attempts to resolve the issue through the proper channels were unsuccessful. People tend to go to the media as a last resort when their (often quite rational) calls for help are being ignored.
Step up OBA and lets see an independent investigation into this ASAP.
@ the real issue i agree 100%. Also for those people who are implying that they should have gone to the ministry, they went to the Board. The Board is appointed by and responsible to the Minister so if the Minister is claiming that he was not aware of the issues he should be taking that up with his Board Chair!