Video: April 30th Bernews Morning Newsflash

April 30, 2021

Minister confirms three more Covid related deaths, there are 8 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in Bermuda, 27 people in hospital with 7 in ICU, a  total of 1165 cases have been announced so far this month, West Indian Association launches appeal, police aware of and will attend planned car rally, 3-month extension of closed job categories, Holistic Wellness panel discussion, BELCO on December 2020 island wide outage, ‘She Leads’ programme accepting applications and Dovetail + Co acquiring Cambridge Beaches are some of the stories in this morning’s [April 30] Bernews Newsflash.

MNF Cover Bermuda April 30 2021

The Bernews Morning Newsflash includes an overview of the latest Bermuda news, the local weather forecast for today and the next four days, local stock report, our photo of the day, as well as a look at news headlines from around the world and the latest Covid-19 numbers, both locally and internationally.

In addition to being available each morning on the website, the Newsflash is designed to suit your favourite social media network, so is also available directly on the main Bernews Twitter feed, the Bernews Facebook page, our YouTube channel, our Tumblr, with a shortened version available via Instagram.

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