Minister Travel Expenses Webpage Relaunched
The Government has relaunched the Ministers’ Travel Expenses webpage, with the online listings being moved onto the main domain.
The Government said, “The Minister for The Cabinet with Responsibility for Government Reform Lovitta Foggo, today launched the new Ministers’ Travel Expenses Page.”
Minister Foggo stated, “I am pleased to reintroduce the Minister’s Travel Expenses page on the government website. The new page contains current and historic information and will be continuously updated as Ministers travel overseas.”
“I am committed to full transparency and this page will detail the location and reason for a Minister’s international travel together with how much they spent while traveling.”
The page can be found on
The web page initially went live in October 2014, and originally resided on the domain. It was updated regularly and in August 2017, the Government announced it was being upgraded and placed on the Government portal.
That has now been completed and all the old listings have been moved over, and listings from the past few months have also been added, as shown on the screenshot below.
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Flight, meals and 2 nights in a hotel for $666.20? Lemme get ya connect!
If you look at the details he paid $80 to travel to DC. Probably a domestic one-way flight or train ticket since he was in NYC the day before.
So far the total is $27.506.37 for all you PLP/BIU Ministers! I used Bob’s fuzz math calculator which I will sell at the oba/UBP Auction when they finally close up shop and start a new name.
Be careful now or you may catch up the OBA X sports minister Sylvan Richards when he visited Brazil for the Olympics at a cost of more than $30.000.00 of taxpayer’s money.
How much tax money did the oba/UBP spend so far on the DR. B…… 3 year plus hospital case?
Where’s the beef? They hid the beef!
Copy cat.
Yeah, remember how angry people were?
That’s still less than Burt’s daily rate to New York.
Where is the Premier’s cost for that trip? maybe that why his was so low.
About time we have people that keep their word.
That is sooooo f#kdiculous.
Right on time for those who were complaining that the website wasn’t up yet. Now you have a website to complain about the costs.
EXACTLY…..and you know that is exactly what they’re going to do…… CONTINUE COMPLAINING…..
You mean they are going to act just like PLP supporters whilst their team was opposition?
Oh the horror.
Oh boy!!! can we believe any of this?
You know I’m here LMAO at the oba. Their bloggers are trying to keep the party relevant. The oba was the worst government in history and soon will be the worst opposition in history. You need my friends, family and people to vote for you and it’s not going to happen.
The 4 year social experiment failed now go back and change the name.
So with what ur saying is that there shouldn’t be any opposition because U, ur Family and ur friends will always vote PLP!!??? No need to change the name because no matter what name they choose people such as urself and The PLP will always call it the UBP. So what we should all do is not do anything and let the PLP rein forever and after 100 years we will see where this island will be. I hope for my childs sake and her children’s sake that the island will be better!!!!!!
“So with what ur saying is that there shouldn’t be any opposition because U, ur Family and ur friends will always vote PLP!!??? ”
Correct, they’re bigots, and only see skin colour.
Don’t forget, they got their rights, so screw everyone else.
The plp are republicans, right wing, hate filled bigots.
Worst government on history? You must’ve not been around from 2008-12 to make a statement like that.
Then again the double standards applied to the political parties by individuals like yourself is the reason you can make such a statement. But given your declaration that you and your family will only ever vote PLP highlights the sheeple mentality that we are dealing with on this island. Go and graze some more PLP grass. Baaaaaaa….
You have 5 years to get over it.
Well, it is the PLP, so the starting assumption is that they are lying.
“Right on time for those who were complaining that the website wasn’t up yet.”
On time would have been July 18th.
Face it, your government has issues. They’re going to take you, again. …and you’ll love it!
Didn’t a whole lotta technical officers and Bermuda Government advisors accompany these Ministers?
Where are the WHOLE COSTS?
Good question, not sure who pays for the Cabinet Secretary.
Did you have the same sentiments about JetGate?
And port royal gate?
And lahey gate?
And FourSeasonsGate?
That is really what you should call it.
And BIU financials gate?
How about unaccounted for $800M gate?
So where are Mr Burt’s expenses for the Congressional Black Caucus trip?
Still secret.
Okay but black congressional congress thingie sounds low especially since two of them went.
The ‘gift’ register needs to be tied to this travel expense report for transparency. When we see who paid $450 green fee, who bought the $250 per person dinner and who threw down for the $500 ‘massage.’ Then we will see the complete picture.
Waiting for the opposition to put out the expense report for Bill Hanbury , including what we paid him
I think that is already public record. Faith based tourism was good $450K and not one event advertisement not even a receipt! Oh, that was a long time ago….gotcha.
Bill was part of the BTA, not a member of parliament. Delusional.
“Waiting for the opposition to put out the expense report for Bill Hanbury ”
Plantation questions.
Sit down and hush, you’re too stupid to comment.
*****The Minister was joined by Premier The Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP, Minister of Finance, Randy Rochester, Permanent Secretary and Sean Moran, Head of Business Development of the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA). *****
3 people joined Jamahl Simmons in New York.. who paid for Randy Rochester and Sean Moran? I highly doubt they paid for themselves.
FALSE…or as we say…
it’s bullcrap!
Get used to Burt math it’s a different formula than what the rest of the world uses.
Are they deceiving again.
Get used to Burt math it’s a different formula than what the rest of the world uses.
These numbers are BS!!
Mr. Caines did very well, as the ticket to Miami is over $1100.00 he was able to have 3 meals and a hotel for $200.00 odd. That ticket would have been back of the bus and hotels at that rate would certainly not be the type you would normanly find PLP politicians staying at. If that is an actual fact I take off my hat to him. Jamahl’s $660.00 on the other hand is a crock of you know what.
Try going on sites that have discounted tickets….I went to Atlanta for just over $400 ….indirect… costs well over $800….saved money by layovers….Not everyone feels the need to travel 1st class…
hahahahha… when has ANY PLP MP not wanted hollywood service?
“.Not everyone feels the need to travel 1st class…”
lol, except for your government.
I think it must be total cost…per person.
The OBA did not list the expenses of the civil servants that went with them. No outcry then. Talk about hypocrisy!
Oh sweetie, no need to lie…facts can be checked, you should check your privilege.
This is all lies….where can you get an airline ticket, hotel, transport and meals in New York for $600/$700 for one or two days??? Also, they are leaving out all the travel for July (right after the election) and August. I don’t know who is verifying all these expenses, but they are certainly not right. Why are they lying to us again?
Because they CAN lie to us and we are okay with that so stop ya noise.
Maybe they used the same travel agent as Grant Gibbons.
“A trip in May 2017 by Economic Development Minister Dr Grant Gibbons to New York for a special live media event at Bloomberg headquarters cost $465.06, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage.
The trip duration was listed as from Wednesday, May 17, 2017 – Thursday, May 18, 2017, and the web page listing said, “The Bermuda Business Development Agency [BDA] co-hosted a special live media event at Bloomberg headquarters in New York City, convening senior US business leaders for in-depth panel discussions on issues important to the Bermuda market.
“Finance Minister Bob Richards and the Minister of Economic Development Dr Grant Gibbons also attended, along with senior representatives from Bermuda’s international business sector.”
Air Travel: $403.06
Ground Transportation: $62.00
Accommodation: $
Meals: $
Miscellaneous: $
Total Cost: $465.06″
Helo: Stop with YOUR lying
Sweetie, you’re a liar…and you’re not very good at it.
Calm down and shut up.