Minister Attending Conference In Switzerland
The Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports, Lovitta Foggo, is currently representing the Bermuda Government at the 108th International Labour Conference [ILC] in Geneva Switzerland.
This year’s session brings together over 6,000 delegates from around the globe to find solutions to the challenges of the future of the world of work, and celebrate the Centenary of the International Labour Organization [ILO].
The annual conference runs from June 10 – 21, and is aligned with the recently released ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work Report titled “Work for a Brighter Future”.
Minister Foggo, Keith Jensen, Gabrielle Cann and Shannon James at the ILO Conference in Switzerland.
Tripartite delegations from 187 member states affiliated with the organization gather to collaborate on and discuss such topics as the standards for labour rights and fair working conditions globally.
Some of the featured forums include, Securing sustainable transitions over the life course, Technological pathways for decent work, and Multilateralism for an equitable future of work.
During Minister Foggo’s attendance at the ILC event, she will participate in a plenary session and committee meetings to discuss the “Work for a Brighter Future” report.
This week’s conference is a follow up from last month’s 11th Annual ILO Meeting of Caribbean Ministers of Labour in Barbados, in which the Minister attended.
“Minister Foggo is accompanied this week to the ILC meetings by Gabrielle Cann, Labour Relations Director, Shannon James, Vice President of Bermuda Trade Union Congress and Keith Jensen, President of the Bermuda Employer’s Council,” the Ministry noted.
More info about this week’s conference can be found at
Everyone is overseas.
Who’s watching the House.
Hope the PLP paid for this, this is a LABOUR PARTY conference. Crazy waste of time and money.
It’s really not. ILO isn’t about partisan party politics. Mr Fahy attended one or two of these when the OBA was the govt.
And did that translate into 2.000 jobs? Nope!
Point being that the ILO isn’t about whichever party is in govt
No he didn’t. Fahy attended the Caribbean version, which was the equivalent of the Barbados meeting last month that Foggo attended. He never attended the worldwide one in Geneva. That’s a new expense. Will it create any jobs? Will it improve our standard of living? I think we know the answer to that.
Right, so it’s still a govt initiative not a party one as the OP was suggesting it be instead.
why? what on earth is the benefit of a Minister going to this conference? How much – two flights (business class?), hotel, expenses ….
Also – why are there only THREE updates on minister’s travel this year? have ministers only gone overseas three times so far this year? Yeah, right …
Well done, Bermuda Government…keeping us well-informed and MOST transparent. That is something the prior government forgot….transparency and honesty.
Thank You!!!!
Too many lies..bringing in______ people to boost their numbers. Thank God oba/U.B.P. are OUT!!!!!!
“Too many lies..bringing in______ people to boost their numbers.”
Racists, like you, have a treatable mental disease…please, seek help.
And to think people like you walk among us.
All the Milkman’s fault! OBA arrogance at its best! They will never get back in as long as that fool is involved! Never!
They have another fool called Jetgate now. Milkman is a business man and understands money. Craig only knows about Jetgate and look how that worked out for him when he was Premier. I will not vote PLP but I will never vote for the OBA with Craig as the leader we can do better.
Sorry but I can’t honestly vote for the OBA with Mr. C leading the party. Any person with intelligence can see he it was wrong before and it’s wrong now. Politics is sad and the OBA needs to lead by example if they desire real change. We won’t win again under his leadership and bloggers will be complaining again after next election.
Just to think that my PEOPLE ever really trusted the UBPoba. Look how the UBP is today LOLOL. You had to change the name wow. You really think Craig can bring back the people yo must have another one called ObaGATE LMAO!!!
You are apparently delusional and should really seek help.
11 days in Switzerland for 4 people sounds expensive considering nothing will come from it.
I agree, however I would think that two of them have their expenses paid for by taxpayers. The other two presumably have their travel expenses paid by their own organisations.
I guess Foggo goes straight from this to the overseas football game, paid for by us.
Nothing came from the UBP changing the name to oba. Makes sense to just change it back the PEOPLE will not vote for obaUBP!!!
Except when the OBA was in the economy was expanding, not tanking.
The ‘people’ will not vote for the OBA because the ‘people’ are overwhelmingly racist and would prefer to suffer than to do what’s best for the whole island. It’s called revenge politics, and the majority of you embrace it…except when it doesn’t benefit you….that’s called hypocrisy.
A common trait of ‘real’ bermudians.
Thank you Bermuda taxpayers for your continued generosity.
I told you this was exactly what was going to happen when she was down at that Barbados meeting last month. Just too great a temptation to resist.
Furbert should have Be there.
He Runs this Island
If she is representing the Bermuda Government in an official capacity, why is she not named in the ilo documents, another vacation??