Parliament: Audio & Order Of Business

June 21, 2019

[Updated with audio] The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [June 21] and Bills scheduled to be introduced include the Economic Substance Amendment Act 2019 and the Medical Practitioners Amendment Act 2019.

In addition, Premier David Burt is scheduled to provide an oral response to a Parliamentary Question from OBA Leader Craig Cannonier which asks for “the names of all the Members of the Legislature from July 2017 until present who have been paid to serve on any Government Committee, Board or Quango and the remuneration paid for that service.”

Minister for the Cabinet Office Wayne Furbert is also scheduled to provide a written response to a Parliamentary Question from OBA MP Patricia Gordon-Pamplin asking for a “detailed breakdown of the $130,000 costs for the Efficiency Commission, specifying recipient, date of each instalment and the purpose for which the disbursements were made.”

Update: Live broadcast has concluded, and the audio of the morning session is below

The Order of Business here [PDF]:

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  1. Paul says:

    Good luck with the answers to the questions…what a question would be ,,,when are we going to pay off our debt,and please Zane stop shouting when you get up to respond to a question,we the public have had enough of your comments…